
首页 > 产品中心 > RETZ瑞茨阀门 > 蒸汽阀门 > (热静力)膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀


简要描述:RETZ (热静力)进口膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀过冷度大、排水温度低,噪声小,是环保型的理想疏水阀,节能效果显著。用途∶广泛用于各种蒸汽设备及蒸汽伴热管线和采暖系统

  • 品牌:RETZ
  • 工况条件:疏水器
  • 温度/压力:P-T:40bar-300℃
  • 更新时间:2022/09/06
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(热静力)进口膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀 主要性能 Main performance进口热静力膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀2.jpg

热静力膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀内膜盒是用特殊材质制造的感温元件,靠感温液体的状态转变来控制阀的开启和关闭,耐压强度高,抗水击能力强,对温度的敏感性好,因此动作灵敏,排量大  RETZ  inner membrane box of the thermostatic diaphragm steam trap is a temperature sensing element made of special materials. It controls the opening and closing of the valve by the state change of the temperature sensing liquid. It has high pressure resistance, strong water hammer resistance and good sensitivity to temperature. Therefore, it has sensitive action and large displacement

规格尺寸:1/2-2"(法兰/内螺纹BSP、NPT)  Specification and size: 1/2-2"(flange / internal thread BSP, NPT )

公称压力:40Bar Nominal pressure: 16bar

压差范围:   0.1-24Bar  Operating pressure difference range: 0.1-10Bar

介质温度:300℃  Medium temperature::≤220℃

主要零件材料 Main parts and materials

阀体 ASTM A105 /A216 WCB /A351 CF8

膜盒 SS304

阀瓣 A276 430/304 

阀座 A276 430/304

过滤网  A240/304

性能排量图 Performance curves  压差 bar(×100=KPa)


(热静力)进口膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀 特点∶ Performance characteristics进口热静力膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀3.jpg

排空气性能优良,不会造成冻结,防水击、耐过热、可任意角度安装 Excellent air exhaust performance, no freezing, waterproof, heat resistant, can be installed at any angle

通汽初始,阀门全部开启,低温凝结水和空气迅速排出,缩短了设备启动时间 RETZ At the beginning of steam supply, all valves are opened, and low-temperature condensate and air are quickly discharged, which shortens the start-up time of the equipment

能在低于饱和温度较多的情况下排放凝结水,节能效果显  It can discharge the condensed water when the temperature is much lower than the saturation temperature, and the energy saving effect is obvious

阀腔内设有不锈钢过滤网,维护保养简单 The valve chamber is equipped with stainless steel filter screen, which is easy to maintain

钴铬钨合金阀座耐磨、耐腐,并在关闭时无撞击,稳定性好  Cobalt chromium tungsten alloy valve seat is wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and has good stability without impact when closing

安装示意图 Installation diagram

请按阀体上流向箭头所示安装,注意疏水阀处于水平位置或低于设备出口,以保证正常疏水 RETZ Please install as shown by the flow arrow on the valve body. Note that the drain valve is at the horizontal position or lower than the equipment outlet to ensure normal drainage

