进口斜面球阀 上装式球阀 顶装式球阀
工况条件:开 关
温度/压力:P-T: 160bar@425℃
进口斜面球阀,上装式球阀,顶装式球阀 Specification 制造标准
上装式球阀(斜面球阀)采用一体式结构设计, 与管线本身具有较高强度 The top mounted ball valve (bevel ball valve) adopts an integrated structure design, which has high strength with the pipeline itself
阀体壁厚根据ANSI B16.34 标准 Valve body wall thickness according to ANSI B16.34
软密封是标准设计,可以根据客户不同的工矿调整密封阀座的材料 The soft seal is a standard design, and the material of the seal valve seat can be adjusted according to different industries and mines of customers
严格按照API6D或BS 5351标准设计 Designed in strict accordance with API6D or BS 5351
Design Code 设计标准:API 608, API 6D
Face to face 结构长度:ASME B 16.10
Flange Connection 法兰标准:ASME B 16.5
Testing / Inspection 试验与检验:API 598 / API 6D
Fire Safe安全 :API 6FA / API 607
尺寸size : 2” ~ 20”, DN50 ~ DN500
压pressure: 150LB ~ 2500LB, PN10 ~ PN160
有效的上装式设计 Valid Top Entry Design
具有上装式的特点的两种不同的阀座结构 Two different valve seat structures with top mounting characteristics
1.在普通阀座基础上增加一个可调节的活动结构. An adjust Vice-Seat Ring design.
在安装阀座后, 通过旋转副阀座上的螺母, 使副阀座外移动并带动主阀座同方向运动.在左右阀座间隙足够球体放入时, 停止调节.球体安装完毕后, 反方向调节副阀座, 主阀座依靠弹簧的预紧力被推向球体达到密封性能An adjust vice-seat ring working together with the primary seat ring,With operation the adjust screw from Vice-Seat, the vice-seat can bring the primary seat moving inside together. Until the distance between two primary seats are enough for a ball.When ball installed, opposite operation the adjust screw, Vice-Seat moving against to ball.Within the spring force, the primary seat move to contact to ball to provide a sealing.
2.在普通阀座的基础上, 将阀座一分为四. An integral seat split to four-pieces
末端阀座承载弹簧, 中端两个阀座调节活动余量, 第四个阀座装载密封圈与球体接触.在安装阀座时, 首先安装末端阀座, 其次调节阀座. 在第三只阀座上拥有一个足够深度的工艺孔, 再专用的特殊工具将第三阀座往末端推动压缩弹簧余量, 达到安装主阀座与球体的空间.球体安装完毕后, 放松第三阀座, 依靠弹簧的预紧力主阀座被推向球体达到密封性能 The spring install into the last seat, the second & third seat compensate the interval, primary seat insert seal ring provide sealing with ball.Within a special tool to move the third seat against the spring until the space enough to install the primary seat and ball. Then take out the tool Within the spring force, the primary seat move to contact to ball to provide a sealing
紧急注脂密封 Emergency sealant injection device
在阀杆和阀座上均装有密封脂注射装置,当阀座密封圈或阀杆O型圈因意外事故损坏时,可通过密封脂注射装置注射 密封脂,以防止介质通过阀座密封圈和阀杆的泄露
Top Entry ball valves sealant injected fittings will be installed on both the stem and seats. When the sealing material (soft seat or the stem o-ring) are damaged or decomposed by fire or other accidental causes, the seat and stem leakage can be prevented by the injection of sealant into these fittings
自泄压 Cavity Pressure Relief
当管路介质压力和阀座弹簧的预紧力大于阀腔压力时,则阀座被推向球体移动,保证一个紧急的密封状态 When Line Pressure within the Seat Spring Force is bigger than Cavity Pressure.Line Pressure and Seat Spring Force is assured to provide a tight seal between seal ring and the ball
管路压力和阀座弹簧力>空腔压力 Line Pressure and Seat Spring Force>Cavity Pressure
当阀腔压力大于管路介质压力和阀座弹簧的预紧力时,则阀腔压力会推动阀座向外移动,从而远离球体。多余的阀腔压力便会从自动排泄,从而保持了管理两边的压力平衡When Cavity Pressure is bigger than Line Pressure and Seat Spring Force.Cavity Pressure push the seat to move slightly away from the ball surface.Any excess pressure internal the body cavity is discharged into the pipeline to restore the balance between the body cavity and pipeline (includes upstream and downstream)
空腔压力>管路压力和阀座弹簧力 Cavity Pressure >Line Pressure and Seat Spring Force
阀杆防吹出 Blow – Out Proof Stem
上装式球阀上下各装备一条阀杆. 上下阀杆都有内六角螺钉固定.即使在阀腔异常升压等极端情况下, 也能保证阀杆不会被介质吹出 Top Entry Ball Valve has two robust single-piece stem assembled in the top and bottom of the valve.The stems is positioned by up and bottom cap screws, it ensure that even if the pressure in the body cavity is raised accidently, the stem can not been blown out by medium
防静电设计 Anti-Static Device
防静电结构采用弹簧+不锈钢钢球球将静电引出的装置, 通过阀杆使球体与阀体之间直接形成静电通道. 从而可将球体与阀座开关过程中摩擦产生的静电通过阀体引到大地, 防止静电火花可能引起的火灾或爆炸等危险.
The anti-static device is standard feature of top entry ball valve. A spring-loaded pin assures electrical continuity between the ball, stem and trunnion with bottom cap, to avoid sparking during the turning of the stem to open and close the valve
防火设计 Fire safe design
在阀门的使用现场发生火灾时,当聚四氟乙烯、橡胶等非金属材料制作的阀座密封圈、阀杆的O型密封圈以及中法兰O型密封圈在高温下损坏后,上装式阀能够借助于特别设计的金属对金属辅助密封结构,有效地控制阀门的内漏和外漏。对于用户有防火要求的固定球阀,RETZ公司的防火结构设计均符合API 607、API 6FA、BS 6755及JB/T 6899等标准规范的要求。当软密封材料在火灾破坏后,金属阀座受压推向金属球体。
In case Soft seats are decomposed due to prolonged exposure to extremely high temperatures in fire accident., the non-metal material parts such as seat sealing ring of PTFE, O-ring for the stem might be damaged due to high temperature.The spring preload force will push the seat ring contact the metal ball to shut off the fluid and minimize internal fluid leakage through the valve bore to stop the flow of hazardous until a new seal is installed.The metal to metal contact through S.S spiral wound graphite gasket can been shut off the fluid and minimize external leakage between the stem with top flange..
进口斜面球阀,上装式球阀,顶装式球阀 双向密封 Bi-directional
固定球阀可以根据客户的要求达到双向密封的性能。在阀前,当管路压力和前阀座弹簧的预紧力大于阀腔压力时,前阀座被推向球体保证了一个紧密的密封性能。在阀后,随着阀腔和管路的压力差以及后阀座弹簧的预紧力将后阀座推向球体,实现了后阀座的密封性能 The fixed ball valve can achieve two-way sealing performance according to customer requirements. In front of the valve, when the pipeline pressure and the pre tightening force of the front valve seat spring are greater than the valve chamber pressure, the front valve seat is pushed to the ball to ensure a tight sealing performance. At the back of the valve, with the pressure difference between the valve chamber and the pipeline and the pre tightening force of the rear seat spring, the rear valve seat is pushed to the ball, achieving the sealing performance of the rear valve seat
双阻双排放 Double block and bleed function
上装式球阀一般采用球前阀座密封结构。固定球阀的两个阀座能独立切断进口端和出口端的介质,实现双阻断功能 。当球阀关闭时,即使阀门进出口两端同时受压,阀门中腔和两端通道也可以被相互阻断,中腔内剩余介质可以通过泄放阀排出 RETZ The top mounted ball valve generally adopts the sealing structure of the valve seat in front of the ball. The two valve seats of the fixed ball valve can independently cut off the medium at the inlet and outlet ends, realizing the double blocking function. When the ball valve is closed, even if both ends of the inlet and outlet of the valve are under pressure at the same time, the middle chamber and channels at both ends of the valve can be blocked mutually, and the remaining medium in the middle chamber can be discharged through the relief valve
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials