双偏心半球阀 偏心旋转阀
简要描述:RETZ进口双偏心半球阀,偏心旋转阀 其结构采用偏心一契紧原理通过传动机构达到闸紧、调节、关闭的目的,密封副是金属面环带硬面接触的密封,双偏心结构在开启时阀芯位于藏球室内,流量截面大,且阀门不被冲刷,关闭时阀芯不被冲刷,开启时阀芯球面沿阀座渐近,有效地切除结垢障碍,实现可靠密封
工况条件:开 关
温度/压力:P-T: 40bar@350℃
进口双偏心半球阀,偏心旋转阀性能描述 Performance description
双偏心半球阀(偏心旋转阀) 旋转阀杆迫使关闭件球体绕中心A转动,球体自B点移至C点,此时相对阀门中心点O,从B到C的轨迹为一凸轮状偏心,右旋进入阀座是阀门关闭保持优良密封,该产品按凸轮原理设计,阀门关闭件从开启到关闭过程中,作用在阀座上的力逐渐增加,即关闭件表面与阀座由完全脱离至接触,并逐渐增大密封比压,直至完全密封,反之为开 RETZ (Side mounted, upper side mounted) The rotary valve rod forces the ball of the closing element to rotate around center A, and the ball moves from point B to point C. At this time, the trajectory from B to C is cam shaped eccentric relative to the center point O of the valve. When the valve is rotated right into the valve seat, the valve is closed with good sealing. The product is designed according to the original principle of the cam. The force acting on the valve seat of the valve closing element gradually increases from opening to closing, that is, the surface of the closing element is completely separated from the valve seat to contact it, And gradually increase the sealing specific pressure until it is completely sealed, otherwise it is open
Specification 制造标准
Design Code 设计标准:GB/T 12237
Face to face 结构长度:Manufacturer Standard 工厂标准
Flange Connection 法兰标准:ASME B 16.5, EN 1092-1
Testing / Inspection 试验与检验:API 598 / API 6D / EN 12266
Fire Safe 安全:API 6FA / API 607
尺寸size : 2” ~ 20”, DN50 ~ DN500
压力pressure: 150LB ~ 300LB, PN10 ~ PN40
结构特点 Feature
耐腐蚀 耐冲刷 Resists Damage from Erosive Flow
偏心旋转阀通过特殊的阀门设计达到耐腐蚀的要求.流线型的流体通道, 可靠的零部件设计, 以及不同的耐腐蚀材料的选择可以帮助阀门在腐蚀介质中拥有更长久的使用寿命
Valve assembly is specifically designed to combat the process of erosion. Streamlined flow passages, robust components, and a wide choice of erosion-resistant trim materials all promote long dependable service life in erosive applications.
自清洁功能 Self Cleaning
由于半球面有锋利的刃口, 能切断介质中的杂物, 例如: 布料, 残渣等.基于半球的设计, 上游管线中的介质沿球体成360°均匀通过, 能冲走球面残留的污垢 The ball made from erosion-resistant with a sharp edge, can cut down the sundries in the medium,Segment ball design, the medium go through the ball face evenly 360° wash the sundries out from ball
防火结构 Inherent fire safe construction
密封面采用金属对金属密封结构,选用柔性石墨做填料, 整套阀门结构中无橡胶和塑料等软密封材料. 因此即使阀门在火灾等异常情况下也能确保可靠的密封
The rotary control valve seal surface came from a metal to metal construction, a graphite packing This design provides a inherent fire safe construction, the valve can assure reliable tightness even if under fire condition.
防静电结构 Inherent anti-static construction
Metal seated ball valve construction includes: valve body, seat, ball, and other metal material parts, All of those contacts together closely provide a inherent anti-static system
使用寿命长 Long Cycle Life
由于偏心的设计, 半球与阀座的接触时间短, 两者的磨损和摩擦小, 这样保证了偏心旋转阀的密封面使用寿命更长久
Cause the eccentric design, the ball rotate into seat and contact seat when it almost closed.The ball deviates from seat when start opening.Eliminates wear associated with ball and seat, and maintains sealing integrity and cycle life
可靠的密封性能 Reliable Seal Performance
偏心旋转阀的阀杆中心线偏离了阀门中心线当阀门在关闭状态下,由于偏心阀杆的设计, 在半球旋转打开时, 半球与阀座的迅速脱离,当阀门在开启状态下,由于偏心阀杆的设计, 在半球旋转进入阀座区域时, 半球与阀座的紧密结合在关闭的一瞬间. 上游介质的压力作用在半球上, 介质压力越大使半球与阀座的结合越紧密迅速的脱离和一瞬间的结合从而降低了球体和阀座的磨损和摩擦系数. 独特的偏心和半球设计使密封效果更佳
The eccentric stem centerline deviates from valve centerline.When stem turn the ball rotates opening, ball deviates from seat ring in a minimum wear. When the ball rotates into the seat ring, ball contact the seat ring when the sealing almost touch. The medium pressure impacts on ball to seat, so medium pressure is higher, the impact power is bigger.All of them provides a lower wear and friction but reliable seal performance.
多种密封结构Various seal construction
硬密封结构: 针对偏心半球阀硬密封最常见和推荐的密封结构 Metal Seated Application: metal seated is normally andrecommended type
软密封结构: 针对客户的要求可以选用聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)嵌入阀座,保证一个可靠的密封性能. 防火结构设计同固定式球阀 retz品牌 Soft Seated Application: polytetrafluoroethylene will be inserted into the seat provide a bubble-tight seal performance. Fire Safe design is the same as trunnion mounted ball valve.
高温使用结构: 在阀座和阀座护圈间安装一条碟簧, 在高温下零部件的热膨胀可以被碟簧所吸收, 防止高温下零件的胀死导致阀门无法运行 High temperature service structure: a disc spring is installed between the valve seat and the valve seat retainer. The thermal expansion of parts under high temperature can be absorbed by the disc spring to prevent the expansion of parts under high temperature from causing the valve to fail to operate
流量系数 Flow Coefficient ( Cv Value )
球体开启角度 Ball Opening Angle
进口双偏心半球阀,偏心旋转阀主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials