固定式法兰球阀 耳轴式球阀
简要描述:RETZ进口固定式法兰球阀,耳轴式球阀 采用中法兰用螺栓连接,密封采用增强聚四氟乙烯镶入不锈钢圈内,钢圈后部设有弹簧保证阀座紧贴球体,保持密封。上下阀杆均设有PTFE轴承,减少磨擦,操作省力,小轴底部设有调整片,保证球与密封圈的接处位置
工况条件:开 关
温度/压力:P-T: 100bar@180℃
进口固定式法兰球阀,耳轴式球阀性能描述 Performance description
固定式法兰球阀(耳轴式球阀) 阀前流体压力在球体上产生的作用力全部传递给轴承,不会使球体向阀座移动,因而阀座不会承受过大的压力,所以固定式球阀 的转矩小、阀座不变形,密封性能稳定,适用于高压、大口径场合。先进的弹簧预阀座组件,具有自紧特性,实现上游密封。两个阀座每个方向都能密封,因而双向安装。RETZ The force generated by the fluid pressure in front of the fixed flanged ball valve (shaft supported ball valve) on the ball is all transmitted to the bearing, which will not make the ball move towards the valve seat, so the valve seat will not bear excessive pressure. Therefore, the torque of the fixed ball valve is small, the valve seat will not deform, and the sealing performance is stable, which is suitable for high-pressure and large caliber applications. Advanced spring pre seat assembly, with self tightening characteristics, realizes upstream sealing. The two valve seats can be sealed in each direction, so they are installed in both directions
Design Code 设计标准:API 608
Face to face结构长度:ANSI B16.10
Flange Connection法兰标准:ANSI B16.5
Testing / Inspection试验与检验:API 6D/API 598
Fire Safe 防火性能:API 6FA / API 607
尺寸size : 2” ~ 20”
压力pressure: 150LB ~ 600LB, PN10 ~ PN100
进口固定式法兰球阀,耳轴式球阀产品特性 Product characteristics
防静电结构 Anti-Static Device
防静电结构采用弹簧+不锈钢钢球球将静电引出的装置, 通过阀杆使球体与阀体之间直接形成静电通道. 从而可将球体与阀座开关过程中摩擦产生的静电通过阀体引到大地, 防止静电火花可能引起的火灾或爆炸等危险.
An integral Anti-Static Design provided by means of spring-loaded devices which maintain contact between ball and stem, and stem and body to ensure electrical continuity, assuring stem sealing and tested to BS 5351 and BS 5146.
防阀杆防吹出 Blow-Out Proof Stem
固定式球阀上下各装备一条阀杆. 上下阀杆都有内六角螺钉固定.即使在阀腔异常升压等极端情况下, 也能保证阀杆不会被介质吹出 retz品牌 Trunnion Ball Valve has two robust single-piece stem assembled in the top and bottom of the valve.The stems is positioned by up and bottom cap screws, it ensure that even if the pressure in the body cavity is raised accidently, the stem can not been blown out by medium.
紧急注脂密封 Emergency sealant injection device
Trunnion mounted ball valves sealant injected fittings will be installed on both the stem and seats. When the sealing material (soft seat or the stem o-ring) are damaged or decomposed by fire or other accidental causes, the seat and stem leakage can be prevented by the injection of sealant into these fittings.
双阻双排放 Double block and bleed function
固定球阀一般采用球前阀座密封结构。固定球阀的两个阀座能独立切断进口端和出口端的介质,实现双阻断功能 。当球阀关闭时,即使阀门进出口两端同时受压,阀门中腔和两端通道也可以被相互阻断,中腔内剩余介质可以通过泄放阀排出。
Each seat shuts off the process media independently on the upstream and downstream side of the ball, allowing double block operation.When the pressure is simultaneously applied to both sides of the ball in the closed position, the valve bore and body cavity will be isolated from each other, and the pressure within the body cavity can be released through the drain plug.
防火设计 Fire safe design
在阀门的使用现场发生火灾时,当聚四氟乙烯、橡胶等非金属材料制作的阀座密封圈、阀杆的O型密封圈以及中法兰O型密封圈在高温下损坏后,固定球阀能够借助于特别设计的金属对金属辅助密封结构或柔性石墨密封结构,有效地控制阀门的内漏和外漏。对于用户有防火要求的固定球阀,RETZ的防火结构设计均符合API 607、API 6FA、BS 6755及JB/T 6899等标准规范的要求
Fire safe design for trunnion ball valve meets the requirement of API607 API6FA, BS6755 and JB/T 6899.In case Soft seats are decomposed due to prolonged exposure to extremely high temperatures in fire accident., the non-metal material parts such as seat sealing ring of PTFE, O-ring for the stem, and sealing gasket for body and bonnet, might be damaged due to high temperature.The angle of the trunnion seat retainer come into metal to metal contact with the ball to shut off the fluid and minimize internal fluid leakage through the valve bore to stop the flow of hazardous until a new seal is installed.The metal to metal contact through S.S spiral wound graphite gasket can been shut off the fluid and minimize external leakage between the bodies and top flange.
防火性能特点 Soft seated fire safe design:
阀杆和填料与阀体之间的防火密封 Contact between stem & packing and valve body
球体与阀体之间的防火密封 Contact between ball and valve body
阀体与阀体之间的防火密封 Contact between body and body
自泄压性能 Cavity Pressure Relief
When Line Pressure is bigger than Cavity Pressure and within the SeatSpring Force Line Pressure and Seat Spring Force is assured to provide a tight seal between seal ring and the ball
When Cavity Pressure is bigger than Line Pressure and Seat Spring Force.Cavity Pressure push the seat to move slightly away from the ball surface.Any excess pressure internal the body cavity is discharged into the pipeline to restore the balance between the body cavity and pipeline (includes upstream and downstream)
双向密封 Bi-directional
Chaozhong’s trunnion ball valve can provides a bi-directional seal according to customer’s request.
The trust created by the body cavity pressure is smaller than the spring force and with fluid pressure thrust, the upstream seat been pushed against the ball.So it provides a tight seal in the front of ball.
The downstream seat moved to against the ball from the pressure difference between body cavity and pipeline, also with the spring force from the seat.It also provides a tight seal in the behind of ball.
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials