(法兰式 焊接式)金属硬密封球阀
简要描述:RETZ(法兰式、焊接式)进口金属硬密封球阀具有流体阻力小,流道通畅,开关迅速等特点,因而得到广泛的应用.但由于一般采用PTFE、PEEK等非金属阀座,应用领域受到限制, 例如:高温工矿下, 以及含固体颗粒和灰渣等介质
工况条件:开 关
温度/压力:P-T: 100bar@425℃
(法兰式、焊接式)进口金属硬密封球阀的球体和阀座硬化技术,球体与阀座完全采用金属对金属的密封方式,为了确保阀门在各种温度和压力下的可靠密封,针对用户的不同使用工况和要求,可以采用多种先进的球体和阀座的硬化技术,具有很好的耐磨擦、耐冲击等性能 RETZ Hardening technology of ball and valve seat of (flange type, welding type) metal hard seal ball valve. The ball and valve seat are completely metal to metal sealed. In order to ensure reliable sealing of the valve under various temperatures and pressures, various advanced hardening technologies of ball and valve seat can be used according to different operating conditions and requirements of users, with good wear resistance, impact resistance, etc
设计制造Design and Manufacture∶API 6D、ASME B16.34(BS5351)、API608、MSS-SP-72
结构长度Faceto Face Dimension∶ ASME B16.10、API 6D
法兰连接Flange Connection Dimension∶ ASME B16.5
对焊端BW Connection Dimension∶ ASME B16.25
检验和试验 Test and Inspection∶ API 598、API 6D
防火结构设计Fire-safe Design∶API 607
公称压力Nominal pressure | PN1.6~10MPa、ANSI150LB~600LB |
公称通径Nominal diameter(mm) | DN15~DN500 |
连接形式Connection Type | 法兰Flange、焊接Welding |
阀体材料Body material | WCB、A105、WC6、WC9、CF8、CF8M、CF3、CF3M等 |
阀座形式Valve seat form | 金属阀座(密封面硬化处理)metalseat(hardened sealing surface) |
适用温度proper temperature | 金属阀座:-29~+ 500C° Metal seat:-29~+ 500C° |
泄漏等级Leakage level | ANSI VI |
设计标准design standards | GB/T12237、ASME B16.34 |
结构长度Structure length | GB/T12221、ASME B16.10 |
检测标准Testing standards | GB/T13927、API598 |
操作方式Operation method | 手动、气动、电动等Manual、pneumatic、electric,etc. |
可选项Optional | 防静电设计、防火设计、禁油处理、禁铜处理、球面特殊处理Anti-static design、fire protection design、oil-free treatment、CopperProhibition、Spherical special treatment |
(法兰式、焊接式)进口金属硬密封球阀性能描述 Performance description
镍基合金热喷焊技术: 一般涂层厚度在: 0.5~1.0mm左右, 硬度可以达到HRC55~65, 结合力在400MPa左右,镍基合金主要特点: 耐磨, 耐腐蚀, 耐高温等retz品牌 Spray Welding Nickel Base Alloy The thickness of welding normally: 0.5~1.0mm, Hardness between: HRC 55~65 Binding Force nearly 400Mpa.Feature: Abrasion Resistance, Corrosion Resistance, High Temperature Resistance
阀杆的可靠密封Reliable Stem Seal
阀杆采用防吹出结构设计,即使在阀腔异常升压以及填料压板失效等极端情况下,也能保证阀杆不会被介质吹出。阀杆采用有倒密封的下装式结构设计,倒密封的密封力随着介质压力的增高而增大,故能在各种压力下均能确保阀杆的可靠密封 The blow-out proof design has been adopted for the stem to ensure that even if the pressure in the body cavity is risen acc-idently and the packing flange becomes invalid, the stem may not be blown out by medium. The stem features the design with a backseat, being assembled from underneath. The sealing force against the backseat gets higher as the medium pressure becomes higher. So the reliable seal of the stem can be assured under variable medium pressure.
阀杆采用V型填料密封结构,V型填料能将填料压盖的压紧力及介质力有效地转化成阀杆的密封力 V type packing structure has been employed to effectively trans form the pushing force of the gland flange and the medium pressure into the sealing force against the stem.
球体的圆度及加工制造工艺 The Roundness of ball and the machining process.
在高压差工况下,如果阀门存在一定的泄漏量,在阀门泄漏部位很容易被高速流动的介质冲刷,从而发生更大的泄漏. 因此球体的圆度直接关系到阀门的密封性能 Under the condition of high pressure difference, if the valve has a certain amount of leakage, it is easy to be flushed by the high-speed medium at the valve leakage position, thus causing greater leakage. Therefore, the roundness of the ball is directly related to the sealing performance of the valve
对于喷涂后的球体先采用数控球面磨床进行加工, 然后采用球面的研磨机进行精密研磨, 再通过三维坐标测量仪的检测, 确保球体的圆度在0.02mm以内 For the coated sphere, the CNC spherical grinder shall be used for processing, and then the spherical grinder shall be used for precision grinding. The roundness of the sphere shall be within 0.02mm through the detection of three-dimensional coordinate measuring instrument
金属材料高温下的热膨胀 Material thermal expansion in high temperature
金属硬密封球阀通常应用在高温工况, 必须考虑到材料在高温下的热膨胀.通常在阀座背后设置弹簧, 通过弹簧来调整和补偿高温下材料的膨胀问题.
In high temperature working application, the valve seat and ball can easily get stuck due to thermal expansion, and the valve could not be open or closed.Chaozhong’s metal seated ball valve design came from beveling spring loading seat, which can absorb the thermal expansion from the ball and seat.It can provides a easily operation and without a stuck risk.
防火结构 Inherent fire safe construction.
硬密封球阀的密封面采用金属对金属密封结构,填料采用柔性石墨, 垫片采用不锈钢缠绕石墨结构.因此即使阀门在火灾等异常情况下也能确保可靠的密封
The metal seated ball valve ‘s seal surface came from a metal to metal construction, a graphite packing and the gasket between bodies made of S.S spiral wound with graphite.This design provides a inherent fire safe construction, the valve can assure reliable tightness even if under fire condition
防静电结构 Inherent anti-static construction
Metal seated ball valve construction includes: valve body, seat, ball, and other metal material parts, All of those contact together closely provide a inherent anti-static system
双阻双排放 Double-block and bleed
硬密封固定球阀一般采用球前阀座密封结构. 硬密封球阀的两个阀座能独立切断进口段和出口端的介质, 实现双阻断功能.当球阀关闭时, 即使阀门进出口两端同时受压, 阀门中腔和两端通道也可以被相互阻断, 中腔内的剩余介质可以通过些泄放阀排除.硬密封浮动球阀采用球后阀座密封结构, 一般采用单向密封, 并在阀体上标有流向.如客户有特殊要求, 也可以采用双向密封结构
Double block and bleed function Each seat shuts off the process media independently on the upstream and downstream side of the ball, allowing double block operation.When the pressure is simultaneously applied to both sides of the ball when in the closed position, the valve bore and body cavity will be isolated from each other, and the pressure within the body cavity can be released through the relief valve
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials
1 | 阀体Body | WCB、A105、WC6、WC9、CF8、CF8M、CF3、CF3M等 |
2 | 阀盖Bonnet | WCB、A105、WC6、WC9、CF8、CF8M、CF3、CF3M等 |
3 | 球体Ball body | SS304、SS316、SS316L、SS316L+ STL等(镍基喷焊、表面特殊硬化、硬质合金喷焊)( nickel base spray welding, special surface hardening, hard alloy spray welding) |
4 | 阀座Seat | 金属阀座(镍基喷焊、表面特殊硬化、硬质合金喷焊)metalseat(nickel base spray welding, special surface hardening, hard alloy spray welding) |
5 | 阀杆Stem | 304、SS316、316L、17-4PH、S20910 |
6 | 中头垫片Middle head gasket | 金属垫片(Metal gasket) |
7 | 倒密封Inverted seal | 不锈钢缠绕石墨(Stainless steel spiral graphite) |
8 | O型圈O-ring | 氟橡胶(VITON) |
9 | 填料Filler | 柔性石墨(Flexible graphite) |
10 | 填料压套Filling clamping ring | SS304 |
11 | 蝶形弹簧Butterfly spring | SS304 |
12 | 螺帽NUT | 2H、SS304 |
13 | 压盖Gland of valve | CF8 |
14 | 螺栓Screw | B7、SS304 |
15 | 螺帽NUT | 2H、SS304 |
16 | 螺栓Screw | B7、SS304 |