(焊接 法兰 对夹) 三偏心金属硬密封蝶阀
简要描述:RETZ品牌进口焊接,法兰,对夹三偏心金属硬密封蝶阀采用三偏心结构,即在普通金属硬密封双偏心蝶阀的基础上增加了一个角度偏心。这个角度偏心的主要作用是∶使阀门在开启或关闭动作的过程中,密封环与阀座之间的任意一点都会迅速脱开或接触,做到密封副之间真正的“无摩擦”,极大地延长了阀门的使用寿命 The imported welding, flange and wafer three-eccentric metal hard seal butterfly valve adopts three-eccentric structure, that is, an angle eccentricity is added on the basis of the common metal hard seal double-eccentric butterfly valve. The main function of this angle eccentricity is to make any point between the sealing ring and the valve seat quickly disengage or contact during the opening or closing action of the valve, so as to achieve the true "friction-free" between the sealing pairs and greatly extend the service life of the valve
工况条件:开启 关闭
温度/压力:P-T: 100bar@425℃
(焊接,法兰,对夹)进口三偏心金属硬密封蝶阀性能描述 Performance description
(焊接,法兰,对夹)三偏心金属硬密封蝶阀采用了径向动平衡密封系统,通过优化设计,蝶板的进出口两侧受力近似平衡,阀门达到进出口双向可靠的密封性能的同时,有效降低了阀门的开启力矩 RETZ The tri eccentric metal hard seal butterfly valve adopts the "radial dynamic balance sealing system" with the national patent technology. Through optimization design, the force on both sides of the inlet and outlet of the butterfly plate is approximately balanced. The valve achieves the two-way reliable sealing performance at the inlet and outlet, and effectively reduces the opening torque of the valve
技术要求Applicable Standards
Design Code 设计标准:API 609 Catalog B & ASME B16.34
Face to face 结构长度:API 609 Category B, ANSI B16.10
ISO 5752 & BS EN 558 Series 3 / 13 / 14 / 19
DIN 3202 F4 / BS 515
Connection Standard 连接标准:NPS 2"~24" ASME B16.5
Above 24" ASME B16.47 A / B
Testing / Inspection 试验与检验:API 598
规格尺寸 Size : 2~40"
公称压力 Nominal pressure:PN10~160, CL150~900LB
适应温度 Applicable temperature :-40~425℃
(焊接,法兰,对夹)进口三偏心金属硬密封蝶阀偏心结构说明Triple eccentric structure
第一个偏心: 阀杆偏离阀座中心线, 从而在整个阀座上拥有一个完整的密封接触 The shaft is offset behind the seat axis to allow complete sealing contact around theentire seat
第二个偏心: 阀杆偏离管路及阀门中心线. 可以减少阀门在开关过程中, 对阀座与密封面之间的摩擦 The shaft centerline is offset from the pipe and valve which provides interference free opening and closing of the valve
第三个偏心: 阀座的圆锥度设计消除了在阀门开启和关闭过程中的磨擦,使密封圈的密封力均匀的分布在阀座上 The seat cone axis is offset from the shaft centerline to eliminate frictionduring closing and opening and to achieve uniform compressive sealing around the entire seat.
1. 金属碰金属 Metal x Metal
适用于: 高温和低温工矿, 高压差, 高流速, 带颗粒的流质 Application: High & Low Temperature, High Pressure Difference, High Flow Speed, Particle Medium
特点: 严格的制造工艺控制, 成本较高. 密封圈和阀座喷涂司太力合金或渗氮, 镀铬等特殊硬化处理, 经过精密的研磨, 保证了密封副的硬度和使用寿命 retz品牌 Feature: Strict manufacturing process control with a high cost. Seal Ring and Seat Ring both overlay
with Stellite alloy, Nitriding, Chrome plated with precision grinding to ensure the seal system’s hardness and cycle life
2. 多层次密封圈(含缠绕网) Multi-Layer Laminated Seal (with Spiral Wound Gasket)
适用于: 中高温和低温工矿, 中等压差, 中等流速, 较纯净的流质 Application: Medium High & Low Temperature, Middle Pressure Difference, Middle Flow Speed,
Pure Medium
特点: 成熟的制造工艺, 成本较低; 多层次密封圈由不锈钢和石墨夹层制成, 石墨是石墨颗粒压制而成, 在石墨层的内部增加不锈钢钢网, 通过网状的钢丝紧紧锁住; 石墨不易被冲刷, 提高了使用寿命 Feature: Mature manufacturing technology process control with a low cost. Seal Ring made of
Stainless Steel with Graphite layer laminated. Graphite layer inner with spiral wound stainless gasket ensure a higher cycle life
3. 软密封 Soft
适用于: 常温/低温工矿, 中等压差, 中等流速, 耐酸耐碱的流质 Application: Normally & Low Temperature, Middle Pressure Difference, Middle Flow Speed,
Acid and Alkali.
特点: 成熟的制造工艺, 成本较低;在母体材料耐酸耐碱的状况下, 采用特富龙密封圈较大的降低了密封副的成本 Feature: Mature manufacturing technology process control with a low cost. Teflon seal with lower
cost when basic material suitable for acid or Alkaili
A182 F304 / F304L
A182 F316L / 310
A182 F51 / F53 / F55
Monel 400, Incoloy, Hastelloy C-276 ,
Al-Bronze 等其它材料
● 采用整体铸造工艺的本体阀座, 节约了制造成本 Integral Casting Body Seat, save the production cost
● 阀座采用斜锥面设计, 通过磨削精加工工艺 表面粗糙度可达Ra 0.4 Body Seat with oblique cone design, with high quality machining to Roughness Ra 0.4
● 阀座表面堆焊 13%以Cr / 不锈钢/司太力等不同要求的合金材料, 提高了阀座的硬度和耐磨性, 延长了阀座的使用寿命 Body Seat overlay with 13%Cr / Stainless Steel / Stellite and so on alloy material provide a higher hardness and hard-wearing surface
● 由于阀座不可更换, 所以我公司在生产阶段严格控制阀座的质量, 采用着色渗透法检查阀座堆焊后的品质 Body Seat cant be renewable, CZV provide a penetration testing on the seat after
● 单向密封设计, 在上游流质压力下,保证气泡级零泄漏 Provide a bubble tight leak from upstream service, named: uni-directional
● 采用独立的整体锻造阀座圈, 材料最低不锈钢SS304, 保证了密封圈的抗腐蚀性能和强度 Renewable Body Seat Ring made of integral forged, minimum stainless steel 304 to guarantee the resistance to corrosion and strength
● 阀座采用斜锥面设计, 通过磨削精加工工艺 表面粗糙度可达Ra 0.4 Seat Ring with oblique cone design, with high quality machining to Roughness Ra 0.4
● 阀座还可选用堆焊/喷涂司太力工艺和渗氮、镀铬等工艺处理, 拓宽了不同工矿的应用要求 Seat Ring option with overlay / spay Stellite / Nitride / Chrome plated and so on different treatment process used for different application
● 阀座独立安装入阀体, 可实现维修和更换的目的 Seat Ring independent install into the body, Ensure a replacement and renewable service
● 双向密封设计, 在上游或下游流质压力下,均能保证100%的气泡级零泄漏 The renewable Body Seat provide a bi-directional bubble tight on upstream and down stream service
RETZ独特的独立阀座的设计打破了传统观念上对蝶阀的理解, 实现了蝶阀的双向密封性能. 为业主提供更可靠的应用范围更广的蝶阀产品。此独立阀座, 通过三开环及内六角螺丝可靠的固定在阀体内侧 The unique design of independent valve seat breaks the traditional understanding of butterfly valve and realizes the two-way sealing performance of butterfly valve Provide the Owner with more reliable butterfly valve products with wider application range. The independent valve seat is reliably fixed on the inner side of the valve body through three open rings and hexagonal socket screws
依据压力源之方向, 自动调整阀座位置, 使阀门在全关闭位置拥有最优的密封比压, 从而达到阀座两侧均不泄漏的效果, 形成了一个完整的阀座系统。阀座和三开环的强度通过有限元分析计算, 并且符合 API 609 / API 598 以及 ASME B16.34相关的使用规定 According to the direction of the pressure source, the valve seat position is automatically adjusted, so that the valve has the optimal sealing specific pressure at the fully closed position, so as to achieve the effect of no leakage on both sides of the valve seat, forming a complete valve seat system. The strength of the valve seat and three open rings is calculated by finite element analysis, and it conforms to API 609/API 598 and ASME B16.34
蝶板在关闭的过程中, 由于外部输入扭矩和上游流质压力的双重作用下, 确保了密封圈的密封力完美地均匀分布在加工成相同斜锥面的阀座上从而实现了可靠的密封性能
Cause the external input torque and upstream fluid pressure force on disc way to closing.The sealing force of sealing ring isperfectly uniform and distributed on the seat ring surface which processed into the same oblique cone to achieve a reliable sealing system
独立阀座可以根据下游压力源的变化, 自动调整阀座位置. 蝶板在关闭的过程中, 在外部输入扭矩的驱动下, 密封圈与阀座在关闭的瞬间达到了理想的密封比压, 确保了密封圈的密封力完美地均匀分布在加工成相同斜锥面的阀座上从而实现了可靠的密封性能
Due to the renewable seat ring automatically adjusted according to downstream fluid pressure. On the external input torque, the disc seal ring provide a optimal sealing specific pressure with seat ring in the full closed position. The sealing force of sealing ring is perfectly uniform and distributed on the seat ring surface which processed into the same oblique cone to achieve a reliable downstream sealing system.
1.三偏心设计:消除了密封面间的磨损, 以及保持了密封面的完整性和较长的使用寿命 Triple Eccentric Design:Eliminates wear associated with sealing surface contact and maintains sealing integrity and high cycle life.
2.大角度的阀座设计:消除了阀座与密封圈在契入和结合时的束缚 Wide Angle Seat Design Eliminates wedging and binding of the seat / disc engagement
3.较宽的使用范围:可使用在-196~+620℃的应用现场 Superior Application Can be used on -196~+620℃ different applications
4.可选择的密封圈材料:在确保气泡级零泄漏的基础上拓宽了阀门的使用领域,金属碰金属,多层次密封,特富龙 Option Seal Ring Material:Due to bubble tight provide a widely application,Metal x Metal,Laminated Seal,Teflon
5.可选择的阀杆与蝶板连接方式: 销钉, 键槽,在确保足够扭矩力的作用下, 根据不同的客户要求.Option connect between stem and disc: Dowel Pin and Keyway Ensure the stronger input torque base on client request
6.可选择的密封结构: 单向密封, 双向密封均提供气泡级密封 i-directional & Bi-Directional
7.可靠的密封性能: 气泡级保证了流体效率, 以及缩小了业主的维护成本 Bubble – Tight Closure Provide process efficiency with reduced cost of maintenance
8.单条结实的阀杆使阀杆的扭曲减小到最小, 提供更结识的无泄漏双向密封支撑 Robust Single-Piece Stem:Minimizes stem deflection and permits bi-directional sealing.
9.可靠的防火性能:均按照美标API 607 / API 6FA / ISO 10497 防火要求设计&制造 Fire Safe Function:All metallic seal provide API 607 / API 6FA / ISO 10497 request design.
10.可选择的逸散性指标:可根据客户要求配置 ISO 15848 / TA-LUFT 低密封逸散性设计要求 Option Low Emission Provide Low Emission request base on ISO 15848 / TA LUFT
11.阀杆防止吹出:根据 API 609 4.5系列下的要求阀杆均满足防吹出设计 Blowout-proof Stem Complies with API 609 4.5 to improve safety for operation personnel.
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials
No. | Part Name | 零件名称 | Material List材质列表 | Material List材质列表 | Material List材质列表 |
1 | Body | 阀体 | ASTM A216 WCB | ASTM A352 LCB | ASTM A351 CF8M |
2a | Integral Body | 本体阀座 | Overlay 13Cr/Stellite | Overlay SS316/Stellite | Overlay Stellite |
3a | Disc | 蝶板 | ASTM A216 WCB | ASTM A352 LCB | ASTM A351 CF8M |
3b | Protect Ring | 密封圈压环 | ASTM A105 | ASTM A350 LF2 | ASTM A182 F316 |
3c | Hex.Socket Screw | 内六角螺钉 | A2-70 | A2-70 | A4-70 |
4a | Laminated Seal | 多层次密封圈 | SS316+SS316/Graphite | SS316+SS316/Graphite | SS316+SS316/Graphite |
4c | Seal Gasket | 密封圈垫片 | SS316/Graphite | SS316/Graphite | SS316/Graphite |
5a | Dowel Pin | 销 | Steel | Stainless Steel | Stainless Steel |
5c | Stem | 阀杆 | 17-4 PH | XM-19 | XM-19 |
6a | Packing | 填料 | Graphite | Graphite | Graphite |
6b | Packing Retainer | 填料环垫 | ASTM A182 F304 | ASTM A182 F304 | ASTM A182 F316 |
7 | Packing Gland | 填料压盖 | ASTM A216 WCB | ASTM A352 LCB | ASTM A351 CF8M |
8a | Bolt | 螺栓 | ASTM A193 B7 | ASTM A320 L7 | ASTM A193 B8M |
8b | Nut | 螺母 | ASTM A1942 | ASTM A1947 | ASTM A1948M |
9a | Bottom Cap | 底盖 | ASTM A105 | ASTM A350 LF2 | ASTM A182 F316 |
9b | Cap Gasket | 底盖垫片 | Graphite | Graphite | Graphite |
9c | Retainer Ring | 对开环 | Retainer Ring | Retainer Ring | Retainer Ring |
10a | Upper Bush | 上轴套 | A182 F304 | A182 F304 | A182 F316+Nitrided |
10b | Down Bush | 下轴套 | A182 F304 | A182 F304 | A182 F316+Nitrided |
11 | Bracket | 支架 | ASTM A216 WCB | ASTM A352 LCB | ASTM A351 CF8M |