双关双断阀旋塞阀 双密封将军阀
温度/压力:P-T: 160bar@350℃
进口双关双断阀旋塞阀,双密封将军阀规范说明/Description of specifications
法兰连接尺寸按ANSI B16.5、JB79、HG20592、GB/T9113的规定;
工作原理/Working Principle
双关双断阀旋塞阀(双密封将军阀)在阀门的开/闭过程中,阀体的密封表面与气门之间没有接触,因此密封表面既不摩擦也不磨损M,开/闭扭矩小,使用寿命长retz品牌 During the opening/closing process of the valve, the sealing surface of the valve body does not contact the valve, so the sealing surface does not rub or wear M, the opening/closing torque is small, and the service life is long
1.阀门开启/Open the valve
阀门开启时,先旋转手轮提升旋塞,将密封滑片从阀体两侧密封面拉回。当滑片完全收回脱离阀体密封面后,继续转动手轮,使旋塞及密封滑片旋转90°,阀门处于开启位置。To close the valve, first rotate the halndwheel to rotate the cock and the sealing vanes by 90°; then the cock will move downwards; the moving cock drives the sealing vanes to the sealingsurfaces of the valve cavity until the elastic gasket ring is uniformly pressed to the upper and lower ends of the valve bore to achieve sealing.
2.阀门关闭/Close the valve
To close the valve, first rotate the halndwheel to rotate the cock and the sealing vanes by 90°; then the cock will move downwards; the moving cock drives the sealing vanes to the sealingsurfaces of the valve cavity until the elastic gasket ring is uniformly pressed to the upper and lower ends of the valve bore to achieve sealing.
3.密封性能/Sealing performance
The elastic gasket ring is molded and formeed in the groove of the vanes, and as the seaaling vanes move to the valve's inlet and outlet, the gasket ring is also gradually pressed into the groove. The machined vane surfaceforms a secondary metal-to-metal seal with the valve cavity which can prevent the elastic gasket ning from being further pressed and also have a fireproof function.
双密封方式/Double sealing mode
The two separate sealing vanes are compressed on upper and lowerends of the valve bore(double block), and when the valve is closed, the bleed valve will be opened to check the sealing effect (bleed).
4.双关双断阀及泄放/Double block and bleed valve
This is a way to achieve complete containment of both ends of the pipeline with two block valves and one bieed valve inbetween. When the two main valves are closed,closing/opening the bleed valvecan improve the system’s safety. If the first valve leaks, the leaked medium can be led out by the opened bleed valve.
进口双关双断阀旋塞阀,双密封将军阀性能描述 Performance description
1.防火功能及密封性/Fireproof function and sealing performance
油气储运系统中的介质均为易燃、易爆品。防火是油气储运装置在设计和选用时重点关注的问题,其装置不仅要求密封性要好,而且在现场发生火灾的情况下还具备一定的密封性能 The media in oil and gas storage alnd transportation systems are all flammable and explosive. Being fire-proof is a key focus in designing and selecting an oil and gas storage andtransportation unit which should notonly have a good sealing performancee but also can have a certain sealing performance even when there is fire on the site.
双关双断阀的密封形式均采用软、硬密封结合,其中包括阀瓣及端盖,底盘等结构。软密封可以保证在正常运行状态下零泄漏,当现场发生火灾时,软密封有可能遭到破坏,这时硬密封将起主密封作用,可防止介质大量泄漏。相比较而言,闸阀采用硬密封,防火功能较好,但密封性能不容易得到保证,长期使用难以保证零泄漏∶球阀采用软密封,其使用寿命较长,但不具备防火功能 The double block and bleed valve all adopts a soft-hard sealing mode,irhcluding discs,end caps,chassis and other structures.The soft seal can ensurezeroleakageinthenormalworking state,but when there is fire on the site.the soft seal may be destroyed. thus the hard seal will function as a primary seal to prevent massive leakageofthemedium. Instead, thegatevalvehasanunreliablesealingperformance and it's difficult to ensure zero leakage during long-term service tlhough it has a good fireproof functionwith its hard seal; and the ball valve,with its soft seal, has a long service life, but it's not fireproof.
2.具有在线维修功能/It has an online maintenance function
当阀瓣上的软密封因某种原因受损造成内漏或操纵器(执行机构)出现故障时,不必将阀门从管道上拆下便可进行更换或维修,操纵器的维修也可在管道不停压的状态下进行。而闸阀或球阀密封部分受损时,必须将阀门从管道上拆下才能进行维修或更换,甚至直接阀门报废 When the soft seal on the disc is damaged for a certain reason, resulting in internal leakage or manipulator (actuator) malfunction, it' s not necessary to remove the valve from the pipeline for replacement or maintenance; instead, the manipulator' s rnaintenance can also be done when the pipeline pressure is not stopped. However, the gate valve or ball valve must be removed from the pipeline for maintenance or replacement and even the valve may be just scrapped.
3.具有双关断及泄放功能/It has a double block and bleed function
如图所示,采用两个隔断阀(闸阀或球阀)来隔断介质,并在这两个隔断阀之间安装一排泄阀,当隔断阀发生内漏,所泄漏的介质将通过排泄阀排出,这样就不会造成两种介质的掺混 As shown in the figure, two block valves (gate valve or ball valve) are used to isolate the media, and a drain valve is installed between the two block valves. When the block valve leaks, the leaked media will be discharged through the drain valve, so that the mixing of the two media will not occur.
若采用双关双断阀,仅需一个阀就可实现上述功能(见图2(b))双关双断阀的底部有一排螺塞孔,当阀门关闭后,可取出该螺塞。若有一 侧阀瓣产生内漏,则漏出的介质通过螺塞孔排出,从而避免两种介质掺混现象的发生。当输送介质较脏时,可定期通过排泄螺塞将沉淀物 排出;当管道需要检修时,可通过排泄螺塞排出残存在低处的介质。在冬季,可通过排泄螺塞排出内腔积水,以防冻坏阀门 If a double close double stop valve is used, the above functions can be achieved with only one valve. There is a row of screw plug holes at the bottom of the double close double stop valve. When the valve is closed, the screw plug can be taken out. If one side of the valve clack has internal leakage, the leaked medium will be discharged through the plug hole, thus avoiding the mixing of the two mediums. When the conveying medium is dirty, the sediment can be regularly discharged through the drain plug; When the pipeline needs maintenance, the residual medium in the lower part can be discharged through the drain plug. In winter, the water in the inner cavity can be drained through the drain plug to prevent the valve from freezing
4.具有中腔泄压功能/It has a cavity pressure relief function
API6D规范规定“对于所有双密封的阀门,当在液体介质中使用时,必须具有压差泄放功能”,泄放的压差是因环境温度的变化产生 的。在常闭状态下,双密封阀门中腔压力会因温度升高而快速增加,该压差如不及时泄放,对阀门的操作将产生严重影响 It's stipulated in API6D:“All valves with double seal must has a pressure difference relief function when used in a liquid medium” . The relief pressure difference is generated from the changes in the ambient temperature.In the normally-closed state, the cavity pressure of the valve with double seal can increase rapidly due to the temperature rise, and if such a pressure difference is not bled promptly, it can have a serious impact on the valve's operation.
手动操作的双关双断阀通常有以下两种泄压系统 Generally,the double block and bleed valve with manual operation has the following two pressure relief systems.
(1)手动泄压系统:手动泄压系统通常为一安装在端盖上的针形阀。当介质为可 以少量向大气中排泄的液体时,可以配备此种泄压系统 Manual pressure relief system:The manual pressure relief system is generally a needle valve mounted on the end cap. When the medium is a liquid which can be slightly bled into the atmosphere, it can be equipped with such a pressure relief system.
(2)差热式泄压系统:差热式泄压系统是一种带有单向阀的管路系统(见图3)。 图3中针形阀1三通1、单向阀1、三通2和针形阀3构成了差热式泄压系统。在该系统中,针形阀1常闭、针形阀3常开。当介质为不可以向大气中排泄的液体时,需配备此种泄压系统(一般是向上游管道中泄压) Differential thermal pressure relief system: The differential thermal pressure relief system is a pipeline system with a one-way valve(see Fig.3),In Fig.3,the needle valve 1, the tee 1,the one-way valve 1,the tee 2 and the needle valve 3 make up the differential thermal pressure relief system. In the system, the needle valve 1 is normally-closed and the needle valve 3 is normally-open. When the medium is a liquid which cannot be bled into the atmosphere, it shall be equipped with such a pressure relief system(generally pressure relief to the upstream pipeline).
5.具有检验内漏功能/It has an internal leakage detection function
When a common valve is closed,it's difficult to detect its sealing effect, while it' s easy to detect the double block and bleed valve, just by mean of opening the needle valve connecting the pressure relief ssystem to the end cap in the closedd state. If the disc has any internal leakage, the medium will flow throuigh the needle valve. If it's not convenient to discharge the medium into the atmosphere, a pressure gauge can be mounted on the needle valve to judge whether there is any internal leakage by means of observing the gauge pressure changes.
6.独特的管道减压功能/Unique pipeline pressure reduction function
管道减压是储罐区管汇设计中需要重点考虑的问题,即当罐前阀关闭后,管网中仍然充满了介质;随着环境温度的升高,管网中介质 的压力会迅速增大;当温差变化较大时,增加的压力会超过管道的承受能力,容易造成管道泄漏。因此,管道应配备减压设备Pipeline pressure reduction is a key consideration in the design of manifolds in the storage tank area,that is, the pipe network is still full of the medium even after the valve before the tank is closed; as the ambient temperature rises, the pressure of the medium in the pipe network will increase rapidly; when the temperature difference fluctuations are substantial, the increased pressure will exceed the pipe's withstanding ability, which may easily lead to pipeline leakage. Therefore, the pipeline should be equipped with a pressure reduction device
管道减压设计如图所示,在主切断阀的上,下游之间连接管道减压系统,该系统由两个截断阀(闸阀、球阀或截止阀)及这两个 截断阀之间的一个减压阀组成。该套系统成本高,而且占空间,不方便现场管理 The pipeline pressure reduction design is as shown in pipeline pressure reduction system is connected between upper and lower reaches of the main block valve, and this system consists of two block valves(gate, ball or globe valve)and a pressure reduction valve between the two block valves. The system is costly and takes up too much room, not easy forsite management
主切断阀选用双关双断阀的管道设计原理如图所示,减压系统附在主切断阀上,其设计结构简单,占用空间小,且成本低廉 The main block valve adopts the pipeline design principle of the double block and bleed valve,as shown in and the pressure reduction system is attached to the main block valve, with a simple design structure and being space-effective and low-cost
全通径结构 零部件材质表 Parts material table
部件号PartNo. | 名称 Name | 材料 Material |
1 | 阀体 Valve body | WCB |
2 | 阀底盖 Valve bottom cover | WCB |
3 | 丝堵 Plug | 35# |
4 | 滑片 Vane | QT500-7 |
5 | 旋塞 Cock | WCB |
6 | 阀盖 Bonnet | WCB |
7 | 螺柱 Stud | 35# |
8 | 螺母 Nut | 45# |
9 | 填料 Packing | 柔性石墨Flexible graphite |
10 | 螺栓 Bolt | 35# |
11 | 填料压盖 Packing gland | WCB |
12 | 螺栓 Bolt | 35# |
13 | 支架 Bracket | WCB |
14 | 螺栓 Bolt | 35# |
15 | 操作器 Actuator | 组件 Component |
16 | 指示杆 Indicator rod | ICr13 |
17 | 指示器 Indicator | 21401 |
18 | 销 Pin | 65Mn |
19 | 防尘器 Dust guard | Pvc |
20 | O型密封圈 O-ring | 氟橡胶 Fluororubber |
21 | O型密封圈 O-ring | 氟橡胶 Fluororubber |
22 | O型密封圈 O-ring | 氟橡胶 Fluororubber |
阀门处于关闭状态时,阀体上、下游流道口均被阀瓣密封,即双密封,同时每个阀瓣的密封面又能形成软、硬两种密封,确保了阀门 的零泄漏。当阀瓣旋转时,软密封与阀体不接触,无摩擦,硬密封对软密封可起到保护作用,并具有防火功能。
从图1可以看出,阀芯与耳轴(阀杆)的结构是一体的,上、下耳轴与端盖、底盘的配合部位有滑动轴承(DN>500的双关双断阀采用 滚动)。采用这种结构不仅可以减小摩擦阻力,而且便于实现精加工,以保证密封的旋转间隙。另外,由于阀芯整体性结构以及滑动轴承 的存在,确保了阀瓣的密封免受介质压力的影响,即阀门关闭后两侧产生的压差不影响阀门的密封性,这与普通的球阀和闸阀靠压差来实 现密封有所不同。
When the valve is in the closed state, both upper and lower flow channel mouths of the valve body are sealed with discs, namely double seal, and meanwhile two kinds of sealing, soft and hard, can come into being on the sealing surface of each disc, thus
ensuring zero leakage of the valve.When the valve disc is rotating, the soft seal does not contact the valve body, contributing to zero friction, while the hard seal can protect the soft seal and also functions for fire prevention.
It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the spool and trunnion(stem) structure is integrated,and there are sliding bearings on fitting parts between upper and lower trunnions and the end cap and the chassis (rolling bears are used for those double block and bleed valves with DN>500).Such a structure can not only reduce the friction resistance but also facilitate precision machining to ensure the seal' s rotation clearance.In addition, the integrated structure of the spool and the presence of the sliding bearings ensure to protect the disc seal from the impact of the medium pressure, that is, the pressure difference generated from both sides after the valve is closed has no impact on the valve's sealing performance, which is different from the common ball and gate valves which rely on the pressure difference for sealing.
缩径结构 零部件材质表 Parts material table
部件号Part No. | 名称 Name | 材料Material | |
1 | 底盖 Bottom cover | A216 WCB | |
2 | 轴套 Bushing | C28000 | |
3 | 排污阀 Blowdown valve | SS304 | |
4 | 螺柱 Stud | A193 B7 | |
5 | 螺母 Nut | A1942H | |
6 | 支撑脚 Supporting foot | Q235A | |
7 | 缠绕垫片 Spiral wound gasket | SS304+Graphite | |
8 | O型圈 ○-ring | Viton | |
9 | 阀体 Valve body | A216 WCB | |
10 | 滑片 Vane | QT500-7+Viton | |
11 | 旋塞 Cock | A216 WCB | |
12 | 轴套 Bushing | C28000 | |
13 | 阀盖 Bonnet | A216 WCB | |
14 | 填料 Packing | Flexible graphite | |
15 | 填料压盖 Packing gland | A216 WCB | |
16 | O型圈 O-ring | Viton | |
17 | O型圈 O-ring | Viton | |
18 | 外六角螺栓 Hex bolt | 8.8 | |
19 | 平垫圈 Flat gasket | A3 | |
20 | 支架 Bracket | A216 WCB | |
21 | 传动套 Drive sleeve | QT500-7 | |
22 | 定位套 Locating sleeve | 1045 | |
23 | 传动轴 Drive shaft | A182 F6a | |
24 | 油杯 Oil cup | M10X1 | |
25 | 滚动销 Rolling pin | T10 | |
26 | 深沟球轴承 | Deep groove ball bearing | GCr15 |
27 | 对开圆环 Split circular ring | A276410 | |
28 | 内六角螺钉 Hex socket head cap screw | 8.8 | |
29 | 轴承压盖 Bearing gland | Q235A | |
30 | 指示杆 Indicator rod | Q235A | |
31 | 压套螺母 Gland nut | 1035 | |
32 | 碟形弹簧 Disc spring | 65Mn | |
33 | 手轮 Handwheel | QT400-18 | |
34 | 导向销 Guide pin | A276410 | |
35 | 外六角螺栓 Hex bolt | 8.8 | |
36 | 弹垫 Spring washer | 65Mn | |
37 | 销轴 pin shaft | A276410 | |
38 | 挡圈 check ring | 65Mn | |
39 | 外六角螺栓 Hex bolt | 8.8 | |
40 | 弹垫 Spring washer | 65Mn |