温度/压力:P-T: 160bar@350℃
轨道式旋塞阀的密封性能和使用寿命优于普通的闸阀和球阀。具备防火、在线维修、双关断及泄放、中腔泄压、内检漏等功能,在油气储运系统的功能及应用,开辟了油气储运系统的工艺设计新的发展空间,解决了管道设计中遇到的很多问题,既优化了管道设计,提高了产品质量,又节约了管道运营成本retz品牌 The sealing performance and service life of the rail type plug valve are superior to those of the ordinary gate valve and ball valve. It has the functions of fire prevention, online maintenance, double shutoff and relief, middle chamber pressure relief, internal leak detection, etc. It has opened up a new development space for the process design of oil and gas storage and transportation system, solved many problems encountered in pipeline design, optimized pipeline design, improved product quality, and saved pipeline operation costs.
进口轨道式旋塞阀规范说明/Description of specifications
进口轨道式旋塞阀结构特点/Structural Features
1、 阀门在开关过程中,阀体密封面与滑片密封面没有任何接触,因此,密封面无摩擦、磨损、阀门的使用寿命长,开关力矩小 In the valve's opening/closing process,there is no contact between the sealing surfaces of the valve body and the vane,so the sealing surfaces suffer neither friction nor wear, contributing to the valve's long service life and small opening/closing torque
2、 阀门在维修时,不需将阀门从管线上拆下,只需将阀门底盖拆开,调换一对滑片即可,维修十分方便 For the valve's maintenance, there is no need to remove the valve from the pipeline but just remove its bottom cover to replace the vane pair,thus very easy for the maintenance
3、 阀体及旋塞为缩径或全通径,介质在通过阀门时无流阻,并且可通球对管道进行清洗,克服了缩径阀门的缺点 The valve's body and plug are reduced-bore or full-bore so that the medium can flow through the valve without any flow resistance,and it's also possible to clean the pipeline with pigging to overcome the shortcomings of the reduced bore valve
4、 全通径和缩径将军阀的阀体内腔镀有硬铬,密封区域坚硬光滑 The cavity of the full-bore/reduced-bore general valve is plated with hard chrome and the sealing area is hard and smooth
5、 滑片上的弹性密封采用氟橡胶,并且模压成型在滑片表面沟槽中。具有防火功能的金属对金属的密封作为弹性密封的背衬 The elastic seal on the vane is made of the fluorine rubber and molded and formed in a groove of the vane surface.The fireproof metal-to-metal seal is used as the backing of the elastic seal
6、 阀门具有自动泄放装置(备选),在阀门完全关闭后,防止阀腔异常升压并检验阀门的效果 The valve is provided with an automatic bleed device (optional)which can prevent the abnormal pressure rise of the valve cavity and check the valve's effect after the valve is completely closed
7、 阀门开关指示器与开关位置同步,可以准确显示齿轮传动全通径将军阀的开关状态 The valve's opening/closing indicator is in sync with the opening/closing position and can accurately display the gear drive full-bore general valve's opening/closing status
工作原理/Working Principle
阀门关闭 Close the valve
轨道式旋塞阀关闭时,先旋转手轮,将旋塞及密封滑片旋转90°,然后旋塞向下移动,随着旋塞的运动时推动密封滑片向 阀体内腔封面直至弹性密封圈被均匀地挤压到阀孔上下端,形成密封。
To close the valve, first rotate the handwheel to rotate the cock and the sealing vanes by 90°;then the cock will move downwards; the moving cock drives the sealing vanes to the sealing surfaces of the valve cavity until the elastic gasket ring is uniformly pressed to the upper and lower ends of the valve bore to achieve sealing
阀门开启 Open the valve
阀门开启时,先旋转手轮提升旋塞,将密封滑片从阀体两侧密封面拉回。当滑片完全收回脱离阀体密封面后,继 续转动手轮,使旋塞及密封滑片旋转90°,阀门处于开启位置retz品牌 To open the valve, first rotate the handwheel to lift the cock to pull back the sealing vanes from the sealing surfaces on both sides of the valve body. When the vanes are completely withdrawn and disengaged from the sealing surfaces of the valve body, continue to rotate the handwheel so as to make the cock and the sealing vanes rotate by 90°,and the valve will be on the open
关于密封/About sealing
弹性密封圈是模压成型在滑片的沟槽中,随着密封滑片向阀门的进出口移动,密封圈子也逐渐被压入沟槽中,经过机械加工的滑片表面与阀 体内腔形成二级金属对金属密封防止弹性密封圈子继续被压,并且具有防火功能。
The elastic gasket ring is molded and formed in the groove of the vanes,and as the sealing vanes move to the valve's inlet and outlet, the gasket ring is also gradually pressed into the groove. The machined vane surace forms a secondary metal-to-metal seal with the valve cavity which can prevent the elastic gasket ring from being further pressed and also have a fireproof function.
双关双断及泄放/Double block and bleed
这是一种通过两个切断阀和一个在其中间的泄放阀达到完全隔断两端管线目的方法,关闭两主要阀门关,开启泄放阀可提高该系统的安全 性。如果第一个阀门泄漏,泄漏的介质可由开启的泄放阀导出。
This is a way to achieve complete containment of both ends of the pipeline with two block valves and one bleed valve in between.When the two main valves are closed,closing/opening the bleed valve can improve the system's safety, If the first valve leaks, the leaked medium can be led out by the opened bleed valve.
双密封方式/Double sealing mode
The two separate sealing vanes are compressed on upper and lower ends of the valve bore(double block), and when the valve is closed, the bleed valve will be opened to check the sealing effect (bleed),
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials
部件号PartNo. | 名称 Name | 材料 Material |
1 | 底盖 Bottom cover | A216 WCB |
2 | 阀体 Valve body | A216 WCB |
3 | 滑片 Vane | QT400-18 |
4 | 密封圈 Gasket ring | Viton |
5 | 旋塞 Cock | A216 WCB |
6 | O型密封圈 ○-ring | Viton |
7 | 缠绕垫片 Spiral wound gasket | SS304+Graphite |
8 | 填料 Packing | 柔性石墨Flexible graphite |
9 | 填料压盖 Packing gland | A216 WCB |
10 | O型密封圈 ○-ring | Viton |
11 | O型密封圈 ○-ring | Viton |
12 | 平垫圈 Flat gasket | 1035 |
13 | 外六角螺栓 Hex bolt | 8.8级 |
14 | 销轴 pin shaft | A276410 |
15 | 挡圈 check ring | 65Mn |
16 | 支架 Bracket | A216 WCB |
17 | 油嘴 Grease nipple | C28000 |
18 | 平键 Flat key | 1035 |
19 | 指示器 Indicator | 1035 |
20 | 阀盖 Bonnet | A216 WCB |
21 | 螺母 Nut | A1942H |
22 | 螺柱 Stud | A193 B7 |
23 | 外六角螺栓 Hex bolt | 8.8级 |
24 | 导向销 Guide pin | 410 |
25 | 外六角螺栓 Hex bolt | 8.8级 |
26 | 弹垫 Spring washer | 65Mn |
27 | 螺母 Nut | A1942H |
28 | 螺柱 Stud | A193 B7 |
29 | 弹垫 Spring washer | 65Mn |
30 | 伞齿轮 Bevel gear | WCB |
31 | 轴套 Bushing | C28000 |
32 | 堵头 Plug | SS304 |