简要描述:RETZ (耐磨,耐酸碱)进口气动陶瓷球阀核心部件阀芯与阀座采用氧化铝陶瓷或碳化硅陶瓷,经平面磨、外圆磨、快速球磨、球面对研等工序精密加工,阀芯与几乎完全贴合的阀座相对旋转实现启闭,轻扭矩得以精妙展现 (Wear resistant, acid and alkali resistant) The core components of the imported pneumatic ceramic ball valve, the valve core and valve seat, are made of aluminum oxide ceramics or silicon carbide ceramics. After precision machining by plane grinding, cylindrical grinding, rapid ball grinding, ball surface grinding and other processes, the valve core and the valve seat that almost fit together rotate relatively to realize opening and closing, and the light torque is subtly displayed
温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@180℃
(耐磨,耐酸碱)进口气动陶瓷球阀 性能参数 Performance description
球及阀座原料采用刚玉陶瓷(成分为Al,O≥95%)或碳化硅 The material of ball and valve seat is Corundum Ceramic(Main content Al,O.≥95%)or Silicon Carbide
陶瓷经1680℃以上超高温烧结而成,硬度高达HRA85° Ceramic is fritted at 1680℃, hardness is up to HRA85°
毛坯经过精密的研磨成型,研磨后的球度为0.005mm Semifinished product is grinded precisely. The sphericity after grinding is 5um
阀芯球体与球座配合研磨,轻扭矩与硬密封完美结合 The ceramic ball and seat are grinded in pair which makes it have the advantage of low torque and good hard sealing
阀体通过CNC机床精密加工,与陶瓷球芯准确配合 The valve body is precisely processed by CNC machine tool, and accurately matched with the ceramic ball core
产品100%通过严格的气压密封测试和水压密封测试 100% of the products have passed the strict air pressure seal test and water pressure seal test
公称通径 DN(mm) | G3/4-4” 缩径球阀(14.5-76mm) |
结构 | 浮动球直通(硬密封球阀),球芯:氧化铝陶瓷芯,碳化硅阀芯 |
公称压力 | 0-16Bar |
连接形式 | 法兰式 |
阀体材质 | 316L不锈钢 |
阀杆材料 | 默认316L ,可选(哈式合金钢B或哈式C) |
工作温度 | 0- 120°C,选择(三元乙丙橡胶:EPDM),0-200°C,选择(氟橡胶密封:FKM) |
动作范围 | 0~90° |
泄露量Q | 按GB/T4213-92,小于额定KV0.01% |
基本误差 | 带定位器:小于全行程的±2% |
可调范围 | 250:1 |
配置执行机构 | AT系列单双作用气动执行器 |
控制方式 | 开关两位控制能、4~20mA模拟量信号控制 |
(耐磨,耐酸碱)进口气动陶瓷球阀 球芯使用工程陶瓷The ball core adopt engineering ceramic
产品特性 Product characteristics
氧化铝陶瓷芯特点Alumina ceramic core features
陶瓷球芯经1680℃超高温烧结而成 The ceramic ball core is sintered at 1680℃
采用刚玉陶瓷,ALO含量≥95% Adopt corundum ceramics, Al Ogcontent ≥95%
陶瓷球硬度HRA≥85° Ceramic ball hardness HRA≥85°
耐酸碱性∶常温下对各种无机酸、碱稳定 Acid and alkali resistance: stable to various inorganic acids and alkalis at room temperature
应用场合 Application occasions