简要描述:RETZ进口DV,DRV节流阀,单向节流阀是一种比较简单而又精确地调节执行元件速度的流量控制阀 完全关闭时它又是截止阀
温度/压力:P-T: 350bar@60℃
DV(P)DRV(P)...10系列单向节流阀,节流阀 技术参数 Technical paramete
通径(NG)6至30, 压力至35MPa ,流量至375L/min Diameter (NG) 6 to 30, pressure to 35MPa, flow to 375L/min
图形符号 Graphical symbols
(DV,DRV)进口节流阀,单向节流阀 特性 characteristic
DV、DVP型节流阀和DRV、DRVP型单向节流阀是一种比较简单而又精确地调节执行元件速度的流量控制阀 完全关闭时它又是截止阀retz品牌 DV and DVP throttle valves and DRV and DRVP one-way throttle valves are simple and accurate flow control valves that can adjust the speed of the actuator. They are also globe valves when fully closed
旋钮上的彩色刻度标用来显示流量调节的大小彩色三角的开度越大.流量越大。同时在重新调节时仍然可以根据刻度恢复到原来设定调节的位置上 The color scale on the knob is used to display the size of flow regulation. The larger the opening of the color triangle is The greater the flow. At the same time, when readjusting, it can still return to the original set adjustment position according to the scale
结构图 Structural drawing
技术参数 Technical parameter