简要描述: RETZ(RFL)进口大流量管路过滤器具有过滤精度高、通油能力大、纳污量大等优点,并装有压差发讯器及旁通阀,当滤芯堵塞到进出口压差为0.35MPa时,便发出开关信号,此时应清洗或更换滤芯,如不能及时停机或无人来更换滤芯,装在滤芯上部的旁通阀会自动开启,以保护系统
温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@100℃
结构:由带焊接法兰的筒体和入口、出口在不同支座组成。(入口和高度上且两侧布置。出口也可以选择同侧布置)。放气排气口和污染发讯器接口都为标准配置 retz 品牌Structure: It is composed of the cylinder with welded flange, inlet and outlet at different supports. (The entrance and height are arranged on both sides. The exit can also be arranged on the same side). The vent and pollution transmitter interfaces are standard
(RFL)进口大流量管路过滤器 性能特点 Performance characteristics
---流量至15000 l/min Flow to 15000 l/min
---压力等级至16bar Pressure rating up to 16bar
---材料:不锈钢/碳钢 Material: stainless steel/carbon steel
---温度范围:-10℃...+100 Temperature range: -10℃...+100
---旁通阀开启压力:△Pa=3bar+0.5bar (可选择1 bar或6bar) Opening pressure of bypass valve: △ Pa=3bar+0.5bar (1 bar or 6bar can be selected)
---污染发讯器的设定压力:△Pa=2bar-0.2bar Set pressure of pollution transmitter: △ Pa=2bar-0.2bar
---安装:过滤器必须柔性安装,不能刚性地固定在基础上或作为管路的支撑 Installation: the filter must be installed flexibly and cannot be rigidly fixed on the foundation or used as the support of the pipeline
液压符号 Hydraulic symbols
工艺流程技术符号 Technical symbols of process flow
用于润滑系统时,请在润滑点前安装过滤器 For lubrication system, please install filter before lubricating point
滤芯 Filter element
允许压降 Allowable pressure drop
过滤精度μm: BN3HC,V-3,5,10,20 ; BN/AM-3,10 ; P/HC-10,20; W/HC-25,50,100,200; AM-40
介质相容性:适用于矿物油、润滑油、抗燃油、合成和可迅速生物分解的油 Medium compatibility: applicable to mineral oil, lubricating oil, fire-resistant oil, synthetic and rapidly biodegradable oil
规格 Specifications
污染发讯器形式 Form of pollution transmitter
A 无污染发讯器,带钢制螺塞 Pollution free transmitter with screw plug
B 带目视污染指示器 With visual pollution indicator
C 带电气污染发讯器 With electric pollution transmitter
D 带目视/电气污染发讯器 With visual/electrical pollution transmitter
W 无污染发讯器接口 Non pollution transmitter interface
技术参数 Technical parameter
壳体压降流量特性曲线,按ISO3968 Pressure drop flow characteristic curve of shell, according to ISO3968
壳体特性曲线适用于密度为0.86kg/dm3,且运动粘度为30mm2/s的矿物油。这种情况下,压降与密度成比例变化 The shell characteristic curve is applicable to the density of 0.86kg/dm 3 And the kinematic viscosity is 30mm 2/ S mineral oil. In this case, the pressure drop varies in proportion to the density.
滤芯压降流量特性曲线 Filter element pressure drop flow characteristic curve
滤芯特性曲线适用于运动粘度为30mm2/s的矿物油 Characteristic curve of filter element is applicable to kinematic viscosity of 30mm 2/ Mineral oil of s
压降与粘度成比例变化 Pressure drop changes proportionally to viscosity
特定流量Q下,每种过滤器通过滤芯的压降需分下列两步确定 Under specific flow Q, the pressure drop of each filter through the filter element shall be determined in the following two steps
1) 整个过滤器的总流量Q除以n等于每个滤芯的流量”。n=滤芯数量 The total flow of the whole filter Q divided by n equals the flow of each filter element ". N=number of filter elements
2) 读出确定的流量时单个滤芯的压降,此压降即为通过过滤器滤芯的总压降 The pressure drop of a single filter element when reading the determined flow is the total pressure drop through the filter element