简要描述:RETZ (RPV2R)进口高压定量叶片泵是专为低噪声工作而开发的高压高性能叶片泵。独特的设计、高精密加工及材料的合理选择,保证了其可靠性高,适应性强的优势,最适合现代液压系统的需要。在诸如注塑成型机、压力压铸机、金属切削机床、工程机械以及其它各类液压系统中均得到了广泛应用
(RPV2R)进口高压定量叶片泵 性能 performance
1、设计合理、加工精密的圆弧叶片,降低了叶片对定子内曲线的压应力,提高了定子和叶片的使用寿命 The arc blade with reasonable design and precise machining reduces the pressure stress of the blade on the inner curve of the stator and improves the service life of the stator and blade
2、定子采用先进的高次方无冲击过渡曲线,使叶片具有良好的运动和受力状态,保证了叶片与定子间的良好接触,并使得流量损失、压力和流量脉动为最小,噪声更低、寿命更长retz品牌 The stator adopts advanced high-power non impact transition curve, which makes the blade have good movement and stress state, ensures good contact between the blade and the stator, minimizes flow loss, pressure and flow pulsation, and has lower noise and longer service life
3、侧板采用液压平衡,可获得更好的容积效率 The side plate is hydraulically balanced to obtain better volumetric efficiency
4、关键零件选用优质的材料和先进的热处理工艺,油泵整体可靠性进一步提高 The key parts are made of high-quality materials and advanced heat treatment technology, and the overall reliability of the oil pump is further improved
5、采用插装式结构,主要内脏零件做成组件形式,泵芯更换可在几分钟内完成,互换性好,维修方便 The plug-in structure is adopted, and the main internal parts are made into components. The replacement of the pump core can be completed in a few minutes, with good interchangeability and convenient maintenance
RPV2R高压定量叶片泵 型号说明 Model description
F- | PV2R2 | -47 | -F | F | -1 | R | -U | -10 |
适用油液标记 | 系列号 | 公称排量mL/r | 安装型式 | 油口连接 | 轴伸形式 | 选择方向 | 输出口位置 | 设计号 |
无标记石油系油乳化液水-乙二醇F:磷酸酯液 | PV2R1 | 6.8,10,12,14,17,19,23,25,28,31 | F:(标准):法兰安装L:脚座安装 | F:SAE4-螺栓连接S:螺纹连接 | 1标准):圆术形轴伸2:圆柱形轴伸 | 从轴端看 | 10可省略) | |
R(标准):顺时针方向L:逆时针方向 | U-上方(标准)D:下方R:右方L:左方 | |||||||
PV2R2 | 26,33,41,47,53,59,65,75 | |||||||
PV2R3 | 52,60,66,76,85,94,116,125,136,153 |
1、需要其它规格的排量或其它类型的轴伸时,请与RETZ技术部门联系 If you need displacement of other specifications or other types of shaft extensions, please contact Retz technical department
2、吸入口位置设定为上方 The suction position is set to above
3、订购型号标注不全时,产品(安装型式、轴伸形式、旋向及油口位置等)按标准型式提供 If the ordering model is not fully marked, the product (installation type, shaft extension form, rotation direction, oil port position, etc.) shall be provided according to the standard model
RPV2R高压定量叶片泵 参数表 Parameter table
抗磨液压油粘度20cSt(ISOVG32油,油温度50℃),转速150r/min,进口压力0MPa Anti wear hydraulic oil viscosity 20cst (isovg32 oil, oil temperature 50 ℃), rotating speed 150r/min, inlet pressure 0mpa
1、公称排量“6”、“8”泵,当压力高于16MPa时应增大转速高于1450r/min,而公称排量“31”、“116”泵,最高工作压力应限在16MPa以内 For pumps with nominal displacement of "6" and "8", when the pressure is higher than 16MPa, the speed should be increased to higher than 1450r/min, while for pumps with nominal displacement of "31" and "116", the maximum working pressure should be limited to 16MPa
2、使用含水液压液、合成液压液时,油泵的额定压力和最高转速应有限制 When using aqueous hydraulic fluid and synthetic hydraulic fluid, the rated pressure and maximum speed of the oil pump shall be limited
3、低速起动时油液的最大粘度应有限制 The maximum viscosity of oil during low-speed starting shall be limited
4、Pn-指(使用抗磨液压油时)额定压力 PN refers to the rated pressure (when anti-wear hydraulic oil is used)
5、当工作转速n≠1500r/min时,输出流量,驱动功率可按近似公式∶"表中值×n/1500"计算得出其近似值 When the working speed n ≠ 1500r/min, the output flow and driving power can be calculated according to the approximate formula: "table median value" × N/1500 "calculate its approximate value