(黄铜)进口内螺纹动态平衡电动调节阀 技术参数 Technical paramete
内螺纹动态平衡电动调节阀结构分为流量调节结构和动态平衡结构两部分 RETZ structure of dynamic balance electric control valve is divided into two parts: flow control structure and dynamic balance structure
流量调节结构可完成阀门流量的设定和调节,配合执行器可实现阀门的电动调节、开关功能 RETZ flow regulating structure can complete the setting and regulation of the valve flow, and cooperate with the actuator to realize the electric regulation and switching functions of the valve
动态平衡结构可实现阀门流量的动态平衡,该结构的核心部件为感压膜片和弹簧,感压膜片感应阀门入口和平衡阀芯内腔之间的压(P1-P2),在此压差作用下调节可变流道的流通面积,保持压差(P1-P2)基本恒定,从而保持流量不变 RETZ dynamic balance structure can realize the dynamic balance of the valve flow. The core components of the structure are the pressure sensing membrane and the spring. The pressure sensing membrane senses the pressure (P1-P2) between the inlet of the valve and the inner cavity of the balance valve core. Under the effect of this pressure difference, the flow area of the variable flow channel is adjusted to keep the pressure difference (P1-P2) basically constant, so as to keep the flow unchanged
尺寸:G1/2"-2" G1/2"-2"
工作温度:0~95℃ Working temperature: 0~95℃
承压等级:PN16 Pressure bearing grade: PN16
工作介质∶水、乙二醇溶液 Working medium: water and glycol solution
连接方式∶G螺纹 Connection method: G thread
流量特性:等百分比 Flow characteristics: equal percentage
阀泄漏率 :小于KVS值的0~0.05% Valve leakage rate: less than 0 ~ 0.05% of kVs value
驱动材质 :压铸合金铝支架,钢质传动齿轮,同步马达,浮动式开关 Driving material: die casting alloy aluminum bracket, steel transmission gear, synchronous motor, floating switch
流量误差:<5% Flow error: < 5%
控制信号:0-10VDC / 4-20mA Control signal: 0-10VDC / 4-20mA
工作压差范围:30-400kpa Working pressure difference range: 30-400kpa
执行器防护等级:1P44 Protection grade of actuator: 1P44
工作电源 :AC24V/AC220V 50/60Hz Working power supply: AC24V / AC220V 50 / 60Hz
驱动控制 :浮点型,智能型(DC0~10V/4~20mA),开关型,选配无源反馈 Drive control: floating point type, intelligent type (dc0 ~ 10V / 4 ~ 20mA), switch type, optional passive feedback
输出扭力 :1500N,带断电手动开关功能 Output torque: 1500N, with power-off manual switch function
零部件材质 Component material
阀体:锻造黄铜 Valve body: forged brass
阀芯∶黄铜 Valve core: Brass
阀杆∶不锈钢 Valve stem: stainless steel
弹簧:不锈钢 Spring: stainless steel
密封圈∶PTFE Sealing ring: PTFE
阀杆密封:EPDM Stem seal: EPDM
V型免维护补偿密封 V-type maintenance free compensation seal
性能特点∶ Performance characteristics
等百分比控制特性·保持调节阀两端压差恒定 Equal percentage control characteristic · keep the pressure difference at both ends of the regulating valve constant
电子预设定最大流量,方便现场调试 Electronic preset maximum flow, convenient for field debugging
具有故障自动诊断和报警功能,电源带过载保护功能·行程自动检测功能 With automatic fault diagnosis and alarm function, the power supply has overload protection function and automatic travel detection function
调节阀芯采用直行程设计,提供调节型和开关型两种执行器 The regulating valve core adopts the straight stroke design, and provides two types of actuators: regulating type and switching type
内螺纹动态平衡电动调节阀安装说明 Installation instructions
1.安装前请详细阅读说明书,检查产品型号和参数,根据要求设定工作电压和输入信号 Before installation, please read the instructions carefully, check the product model and parameters, and set the working voltage and input signal as required
2.尽可能保证垂直安装,预留空间以方便维护 Vertical installation shall be ensured as much as possible, and space shall be reserved for convenient maintenance
3.安装时应注意保证水流方向与阀体上箭头所指方向一致 During installation, pay attention to ensure that the water flow direction is consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow on the valve body
4.建议设计系统旁路连通,灌装时应该由旁路将管路中杂质冲洗干净,否则可能会引起阀门堵塞 It is recommended to design the bypass connection of the system. During filling, the impurities in the pipeline should be flushed by the bypass, otherwise the valve may be blocked
5.安装时应保证阀门前后预留一定长度的直管段,一般在进口预留管道直径10倍长度的直管段,出口预留管道直径5倍长度的直管段 During installation, a certain length of straight pipe section shall be reserved before and after the valve. Generally, a straight pipe section 10 times the length of the pipe diameter shall be reserved at the inlet and a straight pipe section 5 times the length of the pipe diameter shall be reserved at the outlet