
首页 > 产品中心 > RETZ瑞茨阀门 > 蒸汽阀门 > (热动力)圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀


简要描述:RETZ (热动力)进口圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀使用一个可移动的部件(坚固的不锈钢阀瓣)达到一个干净且气密性高的排放。它可以耐过热蒸汽,水力冲击,耐腐蚀冷凝水,冰冻和震动

  • 品牌:RETZ
  • 工况条件:疏水器
  • 温度/压力:P-T:25bar-250℃
  • 更新时间:2022/09/02
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(热动力)进口圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀 主要性能 Main performance

热动力圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀通过排放凝结水来改变作用在阀片上的动、静压力而使疏水阀执行阀片开关的阀门。疏水阀内部只有一进口热动力圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀2.jpg个阀片,既是敏感件又是动作执行件。当装置启动时,管道出现冷却凝结水,凝结水靠工作压力推开阀片,迅速排放。当凝结水排放完毕,蒸汽进入疏水阀内,蒸汽的体积迅速扩大,蒸汽比凝结水的流速大,使阀片上下产生压差,阀片在蒸汽流速的吸力下迅速关闭。当阀片关闭时,阀片受到两面压力,阀片下面的受力面积小于上面的受力面积,因疏水阀汽室里面的压力来源于蒸汽压力,所以阀片上面受力大于下面,阀片紧紧关闭。当疏水阀汽室里面的蒸汽降温成凝结水,汽室里面的压力消失。凝结水靠工作压力推开阀片,凝结水又继续排放,循环工作,间断排水 RETZ thermal power disc steam trap is a valve that changes the dynamic and static pressure acting on the valve plate by discharging condensed water to make the trap perform the opening and closing of the valve plate. There is only one valve piece inside the trap, which is both a sensitive part and an action actuator. When the device is started, there is cooling condensate in the pipeline, and the condensate is quickly discharged by pushing the valve plate open by the working pressure. When the condensed water is discharged, the steam enters the steam trap, and the volume of the steam expands rapidly. The flow rate of the steam is larger than that of the condensed water, resulting in a pressure difference between the upper and lower parts of the valve piece. The valve piece closes quickly under the suction of the steam flow rate. When the valve plate is closed, the valve plate is subject to pressure on both sides, and the stress area under the valve plate is smaller than the stress area above. Since the pressure in the steam chamber of the steam trap comes from the steam pressure, the stress on the upper side of the valve plate is greater than that on the lower side, and the valve plate is tightly closed. When the steam in the steam chamber of the steam trap cools down to condensed water, the pressure in the steam chamber disappears. The condensed water pushes the valve plate open by the working pressure, and the condensed water continues to be discharged. It circulates and discharges water intermittently.




规格尺寸:1/2-2"(法兰/内螺纹BSP、NPT)  Specification and size: 1 / 2-2 "(flange / internal thread BSP, NPT)

公称压力:16-25Bar Nominal pressure: 16-25bar

压差范围:   0.3-16Bar Operating pressure difference range: 0.3-16Bar

介质温度:≤300℃  Medium temperature: ≤ 300 ℃

注∶在工作状态下,最大工作背压不能超过进口压力的50%,否则疏水阀不能关闭 Note: under working condition, the maximum working back pressure shall not exceed 50% of the inlet pressure, otherwise the drain valve cannot be closed

性能曲线图 Performance curves  排量:压差bar(×100=KPa)


(热动力)进口圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀 特点∶ Performance characteristics进口热动力圆盘式蒸汽疏水阀3.jpg

可选装隔热罩,具有空气保温结构,不受环境影响,工作更加稳定 Optional heat shield, with air insulation structure, is not affected by the environment, and the work is more stable

内置过滤器,工作不受杂物影响 RETZ Built in filter, working free from sundries

淬硬不锈钢工作表面,可适用于过热蒸汽环境 Hardened stainless steel working surface, suitable for superheated steam environment

使用压力范围大,无需任何调节 Wide operating pressure range without any adjustment

间断排水,只能排除低于饱和温度的凝结水 Intermittent drainage, only condensate below saturation temperature can be discharged

不怕冻、不怕水击 Not afraid of cold and water attack


主要零件材料 Main parts and materials


1.阀体GGG40/A216 WCB/A351 CF8 

2.阀盖GGG40/A216 WCB/A351 CF8 

3.阀瓣A276 420 304

4.密封304 Stellite

5.过滤网 A240 304

6.垫片 A240 304

7.底盖ASTMA105 304


安装示意图 Installation diagram

请按阀体上流向箭头所示安装,注意疏水阀处于水平位置或低于设备出口,以保证正常疏水 Please install as shown by the flow arrow on the valve body. Note that the drain valve is at the horizontal position or lower than the equipment outlet to ensure normal drainage

