简要描述:RETZ (高精度微量调节阀)进口带刻度微调针型阀采用优质锻钢加工,阀体上有个带有刻度旋转的手轮,是科研微量调节重要组成部分。密封面采用硬质合金堆焊而成是高温高压气体、液体最好的流量调节开关,本产品在管路测量上得以广泛使用
温度/压力:P-T: 483bar@25℃/246bar@648℃
(高精度微量调节阀)进口带刻度微调针型阀性能参数 Performance parameter
带刻度微调针型阀亦称高精度微量调节阀,微量调节仪表阀、微量调节压力表阀、计量阀 RETZ Fine adjustment needle valve with scale is also called high-precision micro regulating valve, micro regulating instrument valve, micro regulating pressure gauge valve and metering valve
结构特征:锥面密封,活动阀瓣 Structural features: cone seal, movable valve disc
流通型式:直通,角式,十字结构和双阀杆 Straight through, angle type, cross structure and double valve stem
功 能:有截断功能和节流型 With cut-off function and throttling type
连接方式:卡套式、螺纹式、焊接式 Connection mode: ferrule, threaded type, welded type
(高精度微量调节阀)进口带刻度微调针型阀标准 Standard∶ ANSI B16.34 ASME
工作压力可达320bar(6000 psig)Operating pressure up to 320 bar (6000 psig)
工作温度-40℃至454℃(-65°F至850°F)Operating temperature - 40 ℃ to 454 ℃ (- 65 ° F to 850 ° F)
结构特征 structure characteristics
产品的设计符合ASME VIII,ANSI B16.34/B16.5B31.3 和API6D的相关要求retz品牌 The product design shall conform to ASME VIII, ANSI B16.34/B16.5B31.3 and API6D
垂直升降式而非旋转升降式阀杆设计,避免阀门密封副间相对旋转产生刮伤及减少密封填料的磨损,有效地提高了阀门 The design of vertical lifting valve stem instead of rotary lifting valve stem avoids scratches caused by relative rotation between valve sealing pairs and reduces the wear of sealing packing, effectively improving the valve
间歇式填料系统设计,有效地减少填料的冷流及阀门的操作力矩,同时可利用系统介质对填料的作用实现更好的密封 Intermittent packing system design can effectively reduce the cold flow of the packing and the operating torque of the valve. At the same time, the effect of the system medium on the packing can be used to achieve better sealing
耐高温压高、阀采用优质锻钢制造,阀杆做渗碳处理,阀芯全部焊STL合金,密封性和反复性好 High temperature and pressure resistance, the valve is made of high-quality forged steel, the valve stem is carburized, and the valve element is all welded with STL alloy, with good sealing and repeatability
气体介质阀座采用PTFE、PEEK软密封材料提高本阀的密封性 PTFE and PEEK soft sealing materials are used for the gas medium valve seat to improve the sealing performance of the valve
根据安装安求,可选择带有面板安装结构 According to the installation requirements, the panel mounting structure can be selected