工况条件:单向 逆止
温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@250℃
进口观视镜止回阀,窥视镜逆止阀用途慨述 Overview of use
观视镜止回阀(窥视镜逆止阀)用于管道中的流量监测,结合了止回阀和观察镜的特性,通过厚壁硼硅酸盐玻璃可清晰地看到流体通过 RETZ The sight glass check valve (sight glass check valve) is used for flow monitoring in the pipeline. Combining the characteristics of the check valve and the sight glass, the fluid can be clearly seen through the thick wall borosilicate glass
结构 structure
1.视镜球型止回阀:内衬阀门结合了浮球止回阀和观察镜的特性,通过厚壁硼硅酸盐玻璃可清晰地看到流体通过 Mirror ball check valve: the lined valve combines the characteristics of float ball check valve and sight glass, and the fluid can be clearly seen through the thick wall borosilicate glass
2.视镜翻板止回阀:通过翻板打开大小可近似地看出流量的大小,用于观察管道中介质流量的情况。(管道上专用配件、循环冷却水、蒸汽系统配件、电厂供用配配件)Mirror flap check valve: the flow can be approximately seen by the opening size of the flap, which is used to observe the medium flow in the pipeline. (Special fittings on pipes, circulating cooling water, steam system fittings, power plant supply fittings)
进口观视镜止回阀,窥视镜逆止阀特点 characteristic
止回阀兼用型 Dual purpose check valve
使用氟树脂球(阀瓣),可确认微量流动 Use fluororesin ball (valve disc) to confirm micro flow
视窗表面玻璃清洗方便 The window surface glass is easy to clean
玻璃视窗可180°方向观察 The glass window can be viewed at 180 °
具有立、卧双用便于安装或拆卸 Vertical and horizontal dual use for easy installation or disassembly