全衬陶瓷球阀 耐磨球阀
简要描述:RETZ进口全衬陶瓷球阀,耐磨球阀可选 (A105N、 SS304、 SS316、 SS316L 等 材料 ),三段式结构设计阀体强度高,具有硬密封、轻扭矩、耐磨损、耐久用等特点
温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@180℃
进口全衬陶瓷球阀,耐磨球阀性能描述 Performance description
全衬陶瓷球阀(耐磨球阀)与介质接触的部分均为结构陶瓷材料,其化学稳定性及硬度极高(洛氏硬度HRC90),仅次于金刚石。因此,具有极高的耐磨损、耐腐蚀、耐冲蚀性能,且隔热性好、热膨胀小。球体采用先进研磨设备及工艺制造,球园度精度高,表面质量好,与阀座对研后,利用ZrO2陶瓷的自润滑性,可取得很好的密封性能 RETZ The parts of the fully lined ceramic ball valve (wear-resistant ball valve) contacting with the medium are all made of structural ceramic materials, which have very high chemical stability and hardness (Rockwell hardness HRC90), second only to diamond. Therefore, it has extremely high wear resistance, corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, good thermal insulation and small thermal expansion. The ball is manufactured with advanced grinding equipment and technology, with high roundness accuracy and good surface quality. After the ball is grinded with the valve seat, it can obtain good sealing performance by using the self-lubricating property of ZrO2 ceramics
进口全衬陶瓷球阀,耐磨球阀技术参数:technical parameter
结构:采用浮动球直通结构 Floating ball straight through structure
规格尺寸:F1/2~12" Size: F1/2~12"
阀体材质:WCB、A105、不锈钢304、316L Valve body material: WCB, A105, stainless steel 304, 316L
工作温度:≤180℃ Operating temperature: ≤180 ℃
工作压力:0-1.6MPa Working pressure: 0-1.6MPa
球芯使用工程陶瓷The ball core adopt engineering ceramic
氧化锆陶瓷芯特点 Characteristics of zirconia ceramic core
陶瓷球芯经1680℃超高温烧结而成 The ceramic ball core is sintered at 1680℃
采用刚玉陶瓷,ALO含量≥95% Adopt corundum ceramics, Al Ogcontent ≥95%
陶瓷球硬度HRA≥85° Ceramic ball hardness HRA≥85°
耐酸碱性∶常温下对各种无机酸、碱稳定 Acid and alkali resistance: stable to various inorganic acids and alkalis at room temperature
碳化硅阀芯特点Silicon carbide core features
质量轻、高硬度、耐磨损:碳化硅球芯经2200℃以上超高温烧结而成,硬度≥HRA90 Light weight, high hardness and wear resistance: silicon carbide ball core is sintered at super high temperature above 2200 ℃, hardness ≥ HRA90
耐高温:在1500℃的高温环境下也不会反应 High temperature resistance: it will not react at 1500 ℃
化学稳定性好:耐酸碱腐蚀性优良在HF酸或5mol/L HNO3中依然保持稳定 Good chemical stability: good acid and alkali resistance, stable in HF acid or 5mol/L HNO3
具有优异的导热性,热膨胀性低:在急冷急热的环境下不易崩裂 It has excellent thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion: it is not easy to crack in a hot and cold environment
低摩擦系数:具有优良的干润滑性,启闭更轻松 Low friction coefficient: excellent dry lubrication, easier to open and close
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials
序号 | 名称 | 材料 | 序号 | 名称 | 材料 |
1 | 左右体 | WCB | 8 | 填料 | PTFE |
2 | 阀体 | WCB | 9 | 填料压盖 | 2Cr13 |
3 | 衬套 | 复合工程陶瓷 | 10 | 支架 | Q235 |
4 | 球体 | 复合工程陶瓷 | 11 | 蜗杆装置 | 25 |
5 | 阀座 | 复合工程陶瓷 | 12 | 螺柱 | 35 |
6 | 阀杆 | 2Cr13 | 13 | 螺母 | 25 |
7 | 垫片 | 石墨 |