(硬密封 软密封)高性能刀闸阀
温度/压力:P-T: 10bar@350℃
(硬密封,软密封)进口高性能刀闸阀性能描述 Performance description
(硬密封,软密封)暗杆式刀闸阀的闸板关闭到位时通径无死角,根据流体分析设计冲力,自动冲解通径死角处杂物使介质通过更顺畅;内部设有弧形刮片使闸板在启闭工作全面积刮净表面使寿命更长,防止介质残留在阀腔,造成阀门开关不畅retz品牌 (Hard seal, soft seal) When the gate of the non rising stem knife gate valve is closed in place, there is no dead angle in the diameter. According to the fluid analysis, the impulse is designed to automatically flush the debris at the dead angle of the diameter to make the medium pass more smoothly; Arc scraper is set inside to make the gate clean in the full area of the opening and closing work, so as to prolong the service life and prevent the medium from remaining in the valve chamber, causing the valve to open and close smoothly
规格说明 Description
公称压力 Nominal Pressure:PN10/150LB
规格尺寸 Size:2~32”
适用温度 Temperature: 软密封≤ 80℃、硬密封≤ 350℃
开关形式 On-off form:手轮,伞齿轮,气动,电动 Handwheel, bevel gear, pneumatic, electric
密封形式 Sealing form
(硬密封,软密封)进口高性能刀闸阀产品特性 Product characteristics
●阀杆保护罩套管:避免阀杆受到外部异物喷射 Valve rod protective cover sleeve: prevent the valve rod from being sprayed by external foreign matters
●位置指示器:显示刀闸阀位置(与限位开一同安装使用或仅安装位置指示器)Position indicator: display the position of knife gate valve (installed with limit switch or only installed with position indicator)
●一体式阀体坚固抗变形,防止泄漏 The integral valve body is firm and resistant to deformation to prevent leakage
●闸板锋利切割力强,表面平整 The ram has strong cutting force and flat surface
●支架板坚固、轻便。为环氧漆涂层钢或不锈钢,预留有限位开关、电磁阀和安全保护装置安装孔 The support plate is firm and light. For epoxy coated steel or stainless steel, reserve mounting holes for limit switches, solenoid valves and safety protection devices
●防腐蚀涂层环氧烤漆涂层 Anti corrosion coating Epoxy baking paint coating
阀座结构 Valve seat structure
双向密封 Two way seal :加强型阀座,阀座具有补偿性,阀座与闸板始终贴合,可应用于反装的工况 retz品牌 Reinforced valve seat, the valve seat is compensatory, and the valve seat and gate always fit together, which can be applied to the working condition of reverse installation
单向密封 One way seal: 膨胀式阀座,模压成型橡胶密封圈由金属环膨胀固定,无漏点且更换方便 Molded rubber seal ring is fixed by metal ring expansion, without leakage and easy to replace
更换阀座 Replace the valve seat
A、移除支架板与阀杆,取出闸板 Remove the support plate and valve rod, and take out the ram
B、用螺丝刀将旧支撑环取出 Take out the old support ring with a screwdriver
C、移除钢圈与旧橡胶圈并清洗原位 Remove the steel ring and old rubber ring and clean them in place
D、装入新阀座 Install new valve seat
E、装入阀座钢圈,并用锤子在内环各个位置小心敲打使之到位 Install the valve seat steel ring, and use a hammer to knock it carefully at each position of the inner ring to make it in place
F、放入闸板,装入填料 Put in ram and fill
G、放上填料压盖,拧紧螺丝 Put on the packing gland and tighten the screws
更换填料 Replace packing
1、移除支架板与阀杆 Remove the support plate and valve stem
2、拧开填料螺母,取下填料压盖 Unscrew the packing nut and remove the packing gland
3、取出旧填料并清理填料函内部 Remove the old packing and clean the inside of the stuffing box
4、装入新填料并压实内部 Load new fill and compact inside
5、放上压盖并紧好螺丝 Put on the gland and tighten the screws
安装指南 Installation Guide
阀门位置 Valve position
刀闸阀可安装在不同方向但我们建议用其中最好的几种 Knife gate valves can be installed in different directions, but we recommend the best ones
安装的方向 Installation direction
刀闸阀只能单向安装,请使用者勿必按箭头方向安装 The knife gate valve can only be installed in one direction. The user is not required to install it in the direction of the arrow
管端安装 Pipe end installation
管端安装时要用对夹连接 The pipe end shall be connected with a pair of clamps during installation
阀门支架 Valve support
如操纵系统太重应横向安装或倾斜安装并加支架 If the control system is too heavy, it should be installed laterally or obliquely and supported