温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@100℃
(粉末砂浆)进口耐磨中线蝶阀性能描述 Performance description
(粉末砂浆)耐磨中线蝶阀采用锁扣式阀座设计, 球形密封面阀板和高强度板轴无销连接,广泛可靠应用于多种工业领域,特别是在采矿业、散料干粉输送、造纸厂以及浆体和高磨损领域作为专门方案 RETZ The (powder mortar) wear-resistant midline butterfly valve adopts the lock type valve seat design, and the spherical sealing surface valve plate is connected with the high-strength plate shaft without pin. It is widely and reliably used in various industrial fields, especially in the mining industry, bulk dry powder transportation, paper mills, as well as pulp and high wear fields as a special program
产品特性 Product characteristics
• ISO5211顶部法兰连同轴方适合直接安装执行器 ISO5211 top flange and shaft are suitable for direct mounting actuator
• 阀杆防窜出设计保证了现场使用的安全性 The valve stem anti channeling design ensures the safety of on-site use
• 防尘圈可防止湿气渗入阀轴区域 The dust ring prevents moisture from seeping into the valve shaft area
• 多标准定位孔适用于EN1092 PN10,PN16,ASME B16.5 CLASS150,JIS B2239 10K,16K Multi standard locating hole is applicable to EN1092 PN10, PN16, ASME B16.5 CLASS150, JIS B2239 10K, 16K
• 由于使用了靠背嵌入式阀座设计,因此适用于全压和全真空服务 retz品牌 Suitable for full pressure and full vacuum service due to the use of a back-to-back flush seat design
• 阀轴板连接没有暴露螺销钉和螺栓 There are no exposed studs and bolts for the connection of the valve shaft plate
• 在全压力额定值下气密密封关闭 Gas tight seal closed at full pressure rating
• 阀板设计流畅,流量大,强度足够 The valve plate is designed smoothly, with large flow and sufficient strength
• 带O型密封圈的丝堵防止底部阀杆的泄漏 Plug with O-ring prevents leakage of bottom valve rod
参数表 Parameter table
连接标准 | 对夹式、法兰式 |
公称直径 | DN50-DN2000 |
工作压力 | 16bar for DN50-DN300,10bar for DN350-DN2000 |
法兰标准 | DN50-DN300:EN1092 PN10/16,ASME B16.5 Class150,JIS B2239 10K/16K,BS10 Table D/E |
DN350-DN2000:EN1092 PN10/16,ASME B16.5 Class150,BS10 Table D/E | |
结构长度 | EN558 Series 20, API 609 Table 1 |
上法兰 | ISO 5211 |
密封测试 | ISO 5208 Category 3, API 598 Table 5 |
温度范围 | -40°C to +180°C (取决于压力、介质和材质) |
操作装置 | 手柄,齿轮箱,气动头,电动头 |
温度压力曲线 Temperature pressure curve
零部件材质表 Parts material table
No. | 零件名称 | 材质 |
1 | 阀体 | ASTM A536 65-45-12, WCB, CF8M |
2 | 阀板 | ASTM A536 65-45-12 尼龙涂层, CF8, CF8M, 2507, 1.4462 |
3 | 阀座 | EPDM, NBR, FPM |
4 | 阀轴 | SS420, SS431 |
5 | 下阀轴 | SS420, SS431 |
6 | 防窜圈 | Nylon for DN50-DN300, SS304 for DN350-DN2000 |
7 | 轴承 | RPTFE with Graphite on I.D. |
8 | 防尘密封圈 | NBR |
9 | 防尘密封圈 | NBR |
10 | 螺塞 | 碳钢镀锌:DN50-DN300;底盖:DN350-DN2000 同阀体材质带SS304螺栓 |
11 | 螺钉 | SS304 |