温度/压力:P-T: 40bar@200℃
进口高性能双偏心蝶阀性能描述 Performance description
高性能双偏心蝶阀 采用一体式的S型弹性密封阀座结构,使用了RPTFE材料,弹性好,寿命长,可自动补偿温度和压力的变化,以及因长期开关使用而磨损的密封补偿;能达到双向密封无泄漏;采用活动嵌件结构,保养快捷方便,不必拆卸蝶板和阀杆,只要单面取下压盘,即可更换密封阀座和检修密封面 RETZ The high-performance double eccentric butterfly valve adopts an integrated S-shaped elastic sealing seat structure, and uses RPTFE material, which has good elasticity and long service life. It can automatically compensate for temperature and pressure changes, as well as seal compensation for wear caused by long-term switch use; It can achieve two-way sealing without leakage; The movable insert structure is adopted for quick and convenient maintenance. It is not necessary to remove the butterfly plate and valve rod. As long as the pressure plate is removed on one side, the sealing valve seat can be replaced and the sealing surface can be repaired.
连接形式 Body Type
进口高性能双偏心蝶标准与规范Standard and specification
API 609 | 凸缘式和对夹式蝶阀Flange type and clamp type butterfly valve |
MSS SP-25 | 阀门标准记体系Valve standard marking system |
MSS SP-44 | 钢制管线法兰Steel pipe flange |
MSS SP-55 | 钢铸件质量标准Quality standard for steel castings |
MSS SP-61 | 钢阀门压力试验Pressure testing of steel valves |
MSS SP-69 | 阀门和连接件术语Terminology forvalves and connectors |
ANSI B 31.3 | 化工厂和炼油厂管道Chemical plant and refinery piping |
ANSIB 31.8 | 气体传输和分配管道系统Gas transpor tation and distribution pipe system |
API 598 | 阀门检验和试验Valve inspection and testing |
ANSIB 16.10 | 铁素体类阀门面对面,端对端尺寸Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of ferite valves |
ANSI B 16.5 | 钢管法兰和法兰连接件Pipe flanges and flanged fittings |
ANSI B 16.47 | NPS26-NPS60大口径钢法兰NPS26-NPS60 large diameter steel flange |
ANSI B 16.34 | 法兰端和对焊端钢制阀门Flange end and butt welding end steel valves |
ANSI B 311 | 发电厂管道Power plant pipes |
ANSI B 31.4 | 无水氨和酒精,碳氢化合物输送系统Anhydrous ammonia and alcohol,system hydrocarbontransportation |
ANSI/FCI70-2-1991 | 控制阀门阀座泄漏Control valve seat leakage |
阀座设计特点 Valve seat design features
耐火结构 Fire resistant structure
耐火型阀门按API607经过火烧试验 The fire resistant type valve is subjected to fire test according to API 607.
阀座类型Seat type
阀门关闭时蝶板使阀座稍稍变形,这一变形“激励”了阀座,阀座密封面的激励使它与蝶板的边缘保持持久的密封 When the valve is closed, the butterfly valve seat is slightly deformed, the deformation of the "incentive" of the valve seat, the valve seat sealing surface to keep it with the edge of the disc to maintain a permanent seal
轴的固定可靠Reliable fixing of shaft
轴的顶端有防吹出结构,在轴意外断裂时防止轴的上部移窜出压盖 The anti-blow-out structure is providedat the top of the shaft to prevent the shaft from running out of the gland in case of accidental breaking of the shaft.
当压盘侧受压时,压力被施加于唇缘的下方进一步加大了蝶板与阀座之间的密封力 When insert the lateral compression, pressure is applied to further intensify the lip edge below the sealing force between valve disc and valve seat
偏置轴和偏心蝶板设计 Design of offset shaft and eccentric butterfly plate
在开启和处于中间位置时阀座与蝶板不发生接触 In open and in the middle position - seat and disc not contact
在阀座上下部位无磨损点 The seat part no wear points up and down
扭矩低,操作机构要求小 Low torque, small operator requirements
当压力施加于非压盘的一侧时,蝶板被 推向阀座。由于蝶板的轮廓呈球形,蝶板越向阀座推进,关闭就越紧密。唇缘与压盘底部的槽接触,限制了阀座的过量移动When the pressure is applied to the side of the non insert piece, the butterfly plate is pushed to the valve seat. Because the outline of the butterfly plate is spherical, the butterfly plate to the seat forward, the closer the close. The lip edge is in contact with the groove at the bottom of the insert, limiting the excessive movement of the valve seat
阀座额定值 Seat rated value
Valve curve on the seat rating for the seat, only is based on the full valve is closed Butterfly valves at the ends of the pressure difference. These ratings can be used as a general condition guidelines. In accordance with the According to past experience, the improved and other seat materials transformation, rating canbe used Higher. For special conditions, please contact the company engineers.
The following table provides a class 150 butterfly valve flow coefficient.Cv value indicates that pressure difference is 1 pounds per inch For 60 ° F (0.07 bar), temperature (15.6 ℃) per minute through the full open valve Of water flow, the unit for the number of gallons per minute
Size | Valve opening | ||||
DN | NPS | 30° | 45° | 60° | 90° |
50 | 2 | 17 | 33 | 54 | 83 |
65 | 212 | 36 | 69 | 112 | 175 |
80 | 3 | 52 | 101 | 164 | 255 |
100 | 4 | 94 | 182 | 295 | 460 |
125 | 5 | 147 | 285 | 462 | 722 |
150 | 6 | 240 | 465 | 756 | 1180 |
200 | 8 | 455 | 883 | 1440 | 2240 |
250 | 10 | 743 | 1450 | 2350 | 3660 |
300 | 12 | 1150 | 2230 | 3610 | 5640 |
350 | 14 | 1440 | 2790 | 4520 | 7060 |
400 | 16 | 1910 | 3700 | 6010 | 9390 |
450 | 18 | 2500 | 4850 | 7880 | 12300 |
500 | 20 | 3110 | 6030 | 9800 | 15300 |
600 | 24 | 4650 | 9030 | 14700 | 22900 |
阀体额定值 Body rated value
阀体的最大工作压力和各种材料阀体的试验压力示于下面的阀体压力额定值表中。实际工况使用压力要根据阀座额定值来决定 Maximum working pressure of the body and the body of various materials testing pressure valve is shown in the following Body pressure rating table. The actual working condition of using pressure rating to definitely according to the seat.
为确定中间位置阀门的CV值:To confirm cv value of the valve at the middle position:
150磅阀体的额定值(bar) Rated value 150Lb body(bar) | |||||
温度℃ Temperature | 碳钢 Carbonsteel | 球铁 Ductileiron | 316不锈钢 Stainlesssteel | 20合金 20# alloy | 蒙乃尔 Monel |
-20 to 38 | 19.7 | 17.2 | 19 | 15.8 | 15.8 |
93 | 17.9 | 16.2 | 16.5 | 13.8 | 13.8 |
149 | 15.8 | 14.8 | 14.8 | 12.4 | 13.1 |
204 | 13.8 | 13.8 | 13.4 | 11 | 12.8 |
260 | 11.7 | 11.7 | 11.7 | 10.3 | 11.7 |
试验压力 | 31 | 27.6 | 29.3 | 24.1 | 24.1 |
零部件材质表 Parts material table
序号NO. | 零件名称Part name | JIS10K\GBPN16\ANSI150LB | ||
1 | 阀体Valve body | ASTMA216WCB | ASTMA351CF8 | ASTMA351CF8M |
2 | 轴Shaft | 17-4PH | 17-4PH | 17-4PH |
3 | 压盘Insert | 碳钢Carbon steel | 316 | 316 |
4 | 阀座Valve seat | RPTFE或PPL | ||
5 | 蝶板Butterfly plate | ASTM A351CF8 | ASTM A351CF8 | ASTMA351CF8M |
6 | 填料压盖Packing gland | ASTMA216WCB | ASTMA351CF8 | ASTMA351CF8M |
7 | 填料组Packing group | RPTFE或石墨RPTFE or graphlte | ||
8 | 填料垫Packing pad | 316 | 316 | 316 |
9 | 轴套Axle sleeve | 316+RPTFE | ||
10 | 轴挡圈Shaft collar | 316 | 316 | 316 |
11 | 销PIn | 17-4PH | 17-4PH | 17-4PH |
12 | 底座base | 碳钢 | 不锈钢 | 不锈钢 |