简要描述:RETZ进口CTP角行程气动执行器气动执行器采用了新型的齿轮齿条传动机构,基于丰富的现场安装和产品应用经验创新设计而成。经过充分的实践证明,我们的产品具有以下优点∶高性能和高可靠性 ·全面符合最新国际规范 ·更多的适用规格和更高的性价比 · 更好的工业造型更适合各种应用环境
(CTP)进口角行程气动执行器 产品结构 product structure
1、一体式通用紧凑设计∶双作用和单作用弹簧复位执行机构,具有相同的缸体和端盖可通过增加或拆除弹簧来进行现场转换,减少产品备件型号极大地方便了用户的现场应用 One-piece universal compact design: double-acting and single-acting spring return actuators, with the same cylinder body and end cover, can be converted on-site by adding or removing springs, reducing product spare parts models, which greatly facilitates user's on-site application
2、全面符合最新的国际规范∶包括ISO5211、DIN3337和VDI/VDE3845等。完全支持 NUMAR标准具备良好的可互换性,便于安装电磁阀、限位开关等相关附件 Fully comply with the latest international norms, including ISO5211, din3337 and vdi/vde3845. It fully supports numar standard and has good interchangeability, which facilitates the installation of solenoid valves, limit switches and other related accessories
3、采用双活塞齿轮齿条的结构设计∶具有结构紧凑、使用寿命长、动作迅速等优点。安装位置对称的设计可通过简单的活塞对调方式来简易地改变转向 Adopting the structural design of double piston gear teeth: it has the advantages of compact structure, long service life, rapid action and so on. The symmetrical design of the installation position can easily change the steering through a simple piston adjustment
4、外部的2个独立行程调节螺钉∶能够方便而精确地在2个方向上进行±4°的调节。从而使执行机构在全开和全关的位置与阀门位置保持一致 2 independent stroke adjustment screws on the outside: Allows easy and precise ±4° adjustment in 2 directions. So that the actuator in the fully open and fully closed position is consistent with the valve position
5、齿条和活塞上的复合轴承以及导向环∶可确保操作精确、低摩擦及长寿命,并可有效防止输出轴断裂 Composite bearings and guide rings on the rack and piston: ensure accurate operation, low friction and long service life, and effectively prevent the output shaft from breaking
6、轴承导向一体化齿轮设计∶提高了安全性,并采用镀镍处理,抗断裂性能更好,使用寿命更高 Bearing guide integrated gear design: improves safety and is nickel-plated for better fracture resistance and longer service life
7、齿轮和齿条上的高精度齿形∶使得齿轮和齿条的啮合间隙更小,传动更精确,输出功率更大 High-precision tooth profile on the pinion and rack: make the meshing gap between the pinion and rack smaller, the transmission is more precise, and the output power is larger
8、压制的铝质缸体∶内部和外部都采用了防腐措施,气缸内表面经过了细磨处理使得摩擦系数更低,产品使用寿命更长 Pressed aluminum cylinder block: internal and external anti-corrosion measures are adopted, and the inner surface of the cylinder is finely ground for a lower coefficient of friction and a longer product life
9、组合式预负荷弹簧座:具有特殊镀层的弹簧适用于各种场合,更安全、更抗腐蚀 Combined preloaded spring seat: the spring with special coating is suitable for various occasions, which is safer and more resistant to corrosion
10、高质量的轴承∶密封性好且摩擦系数低、使用寿命长,适用温度范围广 High-quality bearings: good sealing, low friction coefficient, long service life, and wide temperature range
11、内外部均采用高品质的不锈钢紧固件∶具有良好的长期抗腐蚀能力 High-quality stainless steel fasteners are used inside and outside: good long-term corrosion resistance
12、带NAMUR标准槽的多功能位置指示器;既提供了简单清晰的可视化指示,并能够方便地连接标准通用的各类传感部件 Multifunctional position indicator with NAMUR standard slot; it not only provides simple and clear visual indication, but also can easily connect various standard and general sensing components
(CTP)进口角行程气动执行器 器零部件及材料 Parts and Materials
项目号 | 零件名称 | 材质 | 数量 | 项目号 | 零件名称 | 材质 | 数量 |
1 | 端盖螺栓 | 不锈钢 | 8 | 15 | 塞头 | 塑料 | 2 |
2 | 垫片 | 不锈钢 | 8 | 16 | 铭牌 | 不干胶 | 1 |
3 | 左端盖 | 铝合金 | 1 | 17 | 活塞盖板 | 高级聚合物 | 2 |
4 | 弹簧组 | 弹贤钢 | 12 | 18 | O型圈端盖 | 橡胶 | 2 |
5 | 活塞支撑环 | 高般聚合物 | 2 | 19 | 右端盖 | 铝合金 | 1 |
6 | O型固活塞 | 橡胶 | 2 | 20 | 缸体 | 铝合金 | 1 |
7 | 活塞 | 铝合金 | 2 | 21 | 堵头 | 橡胶 | 2 |
8 | O型圈下轴 | 橡胶 | 1 | 22 | 外垫片 | 高级聚合物 | 1 |
9 | 下轴套 | 高级聚合物 | 1 | 23 | 金属垫片 | 不锈钢 | 1 |
10 | 输出轴 | 45钢 | 1 | 24 | 弹簧指圈 | 弹簧钢 | 1 |
11 | 调节块 | 不锈钢 | 1 | 25 | 指示器座 | 塑料 | 1 |
12 | 内垫片 | 高级聚合物 | 1 | 26 | 副节螺栓 | 不锈钢 | 2 |
13 | 上轴套 | 高级聚合物 | 1 | 27 | 指示器 | 塑料 | 1 |
14 | O型圆上轴 | 橡胶 | 1 | 28 | 平帽 | 望料 | 1 |
与自动化连接的执行机构界面 Actuator interface connected with automation