温度/压力:P-T: 160bar@350℃
阀门的启闭过程∶开启阀门时,要先旋转手轮,使塞子上升,与密封面脱离,再旋转手柄90°,使塞子的通道和阀体的通道相通,连到开启的。而开闭的过程是先旋转手柄90°,使塞子的通道和阀体的通道垂直,再旋转手轮,使塞子下降,连接密封 RETZ Process of opening and closing of thevalve. when opening the valve, first ofall, turn the hand wheel tomake the plug lifted and separated with the sealed surface,then turn the handle by 90 degree to connect the channel of plugto the channel of valve body, so that the valve is opened; when closing the valve, first of all, turn the handle by 90degree to make the channel of plug veertical to the channel of valve body, and then turn the hand wheel to descend the plug, so that the valve is closed.
进口提升式硬密封旋塞阀规范说明/Description of specifications
连接法兰标准∶ASME B16.5
性能特点 Performance characteristics
转动90度就能开关,启闭迅速,操作方便 It can be opened and closed by turning 90 degrees, which is fast and easy to operate
阀门没有空腔给介质积聚 The valve has no cavity to accumulate medium
双向流动,开关动作轻 Two way flow, light switching action
阀体和密封面间设有油槽,可随时通过油嘴向阀座注入密封油脂,增加密封性能retz品牌 There is an oil groove between the valve body and the sealing surface, which can inject sealing grease into the valve seat at any time through the nozzle to increase the sealing performance
启闭过程是在密封面脱离的状态下进行的,不会造成密封面的磨损 The opening and closing process is carried out when the sealing surface is detached, which will not cause wear on the sealing surface
进口提升式硬密封旋塞阀主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials
序号NO. | 名称Part name | 材质Material |
1 | 螺栓Bolt | A193 B16 |
2 | 垫片Gasket | SS304+石墨Graphite |
3 | 底盖Under plate | A217 C5 |
4 | 阀体Body | A217 C5 |
5 | 旋塞Plug | A217 C5+氮化Nitriding |
6 | 阀杆Stem | A276410 |
7 | 垫片Gasket | SS304+石墨Graphite |
8 | 螺栓Bolt | A193 B16 |
9 | 螺母Nut | A1947 |
10 | 填料Packing | 柔性石墨Flexible Graphite |
11 | 压盖Gland | A217 C5 |
12 | 螺栓Bolt | A193 B16 |
13 | 螺母Nut | A1947 |
14 | 销Key | SS304 |
15 | 阀盖Cover | A217 C5 |
16 | 手柄Handle | A570 |
17 | 螺栓Bolt | A193 B16 |
18 | 螺母Nut | A1947 |
19 | 齿轮Gear | UCA |
20 | 销Key | SS304 |