简要描述:RETZ(NF)进口油管路过滤器 主要安装在液压系统的回油管路上,各类液压元件在工作过程中所产生的磨粒等各种污物可以通过设置回油管路油滤而被拦截,避免再次回到油箱、再次被液压泵吸入
温度/压力:P-T: 25bar@100℃
(NF)进口油管路过滤器 性能特点 Performance characteristics
---流量至3500 l/min Flow to 3500 l/min
---压力等级至25bar Pressure rating up to 25bar
---材料:铝/铸铁/碳钢 Material: aluminum/cast iron/carbon steel
---温度范围:-10℃...+100 Temperature range: -10℃...+100
---旁通阀开启压力:△Po=3bar+0.5bar Opening pressure of bypass valve: △ Po=3bar+0.5bar
---压差污染发讯器的设定压力:△Pa=2bar-10% Set pressure of differential pressure pollution transmitter: △ Pa=2bar-10% r
结构:(NF)进口油管路过滤器 壳体由过滤器筒体和一个可拆卸的上端盖组成 retz品牌 Structure: the shell is composed of the filter barrel and a removable upper end cover
安装:可直接安装于油箱顶部或连接于管路中 Installation: it can be directly installed on the top of the oil tank or connected to the pipeline
1.回油过滤器 Return oil filter
一压力发讯 Pressure signaling
一入口法兰水平在上部,出口垂直向下(从规格5210起水平)The inlet flange is horizontal at the upper part, and the outlet is vertical downward (horizontal from specification 5210)
一油箱密封属于供货范围内 The oil tank seal is within the scope of supply
2.管路过滤器 Line filter
一压差发讯 Differential pressure signal
一入口法兰水平位于筒身下部,出口垂直,(从规格5210起水平)The inlet flange is horizontally located at the lower part of the barrel, and the outlet is vertical (horizontal from specification 5210)
一压差发讯 Differential pressure signal
一入口和出口法兰水平对立放置 The inlet and outlet flanges are placed horizontally and oppositely
3.管路过滤器 Line filter
一压差发讯 Differential pressure signal
一入口法兰水平在上部,出口垂直向下 The inlet flange is horizontal at the upper part, and the outlet is vertical downward
规格 Specifications
过滤精度μm: BN3HC,V-3.5,10,20 BN/AM-3.10 P/HC:10,20 W/HC-25,50,100,200 AM-40
介质的相容性:适用于矿物油、润滑油、抗燃油及可迅速分解的生物油 Medium compatibility: applicable to mineral oil, lubricating oil, fire-resistant oil and rapidly decomposable bio oil
A. 无污染发讯器,带塑料螺塞 Pollution free transmitter with plastic plug
B. 带目视污染发讯器(只用于回油过滤器)With visual pollution transmitter (only for return oil filter)
BM.目视污染发讯器,手动复位(所有型式)Visual pollution transmitter, manual reset (all types)
C.带电气污染发讯器 With electric pollution transmitter
D.带目视/电气污染发讯器 With visual/electrical pollution transmitter
LE.目视-机械/电气污染发讯器,带100%切换点 Visual - mechanical/electrical pollution transmitter with 100% switching point
LZ.目视-机械/电气污染发讯器,带100%和75%切换点 Visual - Mechanical/Electrical pollution transmitter with 100% and 75% switching points
技术参数 Technical parameter
壳体压降流量特性曲线,按ISO3968 Pressure drop flow characteristic curve of shell, according to ISO3968
壳体特性曲线适用于密度为0.86kg/dm³且粘度为30mm²/s的矿物油。此时压降与密度成比例变化 The shell characteristic curve is applicable to the density of 0.86kg/dm ³ And the viscosity is 30mm ²/ S mineral oil. At this time, the pressure drop changes in proportion to the density
滤芯压降流量特性曲线 Filter element pressure drop flow characteristic curve
滤芯特性曲线适用于运动粘度为30mm²/s的矿物油 Characteristic curve of filter element is applicable to kinematic viscosity of 30mm ²/ Mineral oil of s
压降与粘度成比例变化 Pressure drop changes proportionally to viscosity