简要描述:RETZ (DMX汽水混合器)进口混合回收器是一种装设于管道上直接式加热设备,具有热效率高、噪声低、安装简单、不占空间等特点,广泛应用于采暖、空调、化工用水加热系统
温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@350℃
功能原理 Functional principle
产品分冷凝水回收总管,采暖,空调,热水四大系列,用于不同的工况需要 The products are divided into four series: condensate recovery header, heating, air conditioning and hot water, which are used for different working conditions
实现稳定的冷凝水回收。平滑混合冷凝水二次蒸汽,缓和混合时产生的冲击和脉动(水击)Stable condensate recovery. Smoothly mix the secondary steam of condensed water to mitigate the impact and pulsation generated during mixing (water hammer)
1.汽水混合器利用蒸汽与水直接混合加热水,供一切生产、生活用热水的需要 The steam water mixer directly mixes steam and water to heat water for all production and domestic hot water needs
2.使用时无噪声,无振动,节省能源,热利用率 95%以上,安装,维护方便 No noise and vibration during use, energy saving, heat utilization rate above 95%, easy installation and maintenance
3.不间断供应热水,水温可任意调节 Continuous hot water supply, water temperature can be adjusted at will
4.使来自蒸汽疏水阀的冷凝水平稳流入回收总管,防止出现水击 Make the condensate level from steam trap flow steadily into the recovery header to prevent water hammer
安装示意图 Installation diagram