温度/压力:P-T: 10bar@150℃
(HXT)进口蒸汽消音加热器 慨述 Express with regret
(HXT)进口蒸汽消音加热器是一种用蒸汽,直接、快速加热水的产品,可以把(浴室、澡堂)水箱、工厂水罐内的冷水,安静的加热到沸点。在密闭水罐内,加热最高温度可以达到150度,使用蒸汽最高压力允许1MPa retz品牌 (HXT) The imported steam silencing heater is a product that uses steam to directly and rapidly heat water. It can quietly heat the cold water in the water tank (bathroom, bathhouse) and factory water tank to the boiling point. In the sealed water tank, the maximum heating temperature can reach 150 ℃, and the maximum steam pressure is allowed to be 1MPa
应用 Application
1、(浴室、澡堂)水箱加热专用型:垂直安装在水池中心,加热后水温60度以下,噪声控制到55dB以内。专门用于:(浴室、澡堂)水箱加热洗澡水 (Bathroom, bathhouse) water tank heating special type: vertically installed in the center of the pool, the water temperature is below 60 degrees after heating, and the noise is controlled within 55dB. Specially used for: (bathroom, bathhouse) water tank heating bath water
2、工厂水罐加热专用型:垂直安装在工厂的水罐、水池中心,加热后水温,可以容许到95度,噪声控制到65dB以内。专门用于:企业水罐的生产工艺用水加热 Special type of plant water tank heating: vertically installed in the center of the plant water tank and pool, the water temperature after heating can be allowed to reach 95 degrees, and the noise can be controlled to within 65dB. It is specially used for heating the production process water of enterprise water tank
3、“浴室、澡堂”水箱的水平安装专用型:水平安装在“水箱、槽罐”外壁上面,主要用于“浴室、澡堂”的用水加热,加热后水温60度以下,噪声控制到55dB以内 Special horizontal installation type of "bathroom and bathhouse" water tank: horizontally installed on the outer wall of "water tank and tank", mainly used for water heating of "bathroom and bathhouse". After heating, the water temperature is below 60 ℃, and the noise is controlled within 55dB
4、另外,有专门用于水温较高(达到150℃)的-G型,“污水加热的-W型”、“不结垢的-B型”,供定制用 In addition, there are - G type, "sewage heating - W type" and "non scaling - B type" specially used for high water temperature (up to 150 ℃) for customization
尺寸图 Dimension drawing
有垂直安装在水池内的,有水平安装在水池外壁上面的二种 There are two types installed vertically in the pool and horizontally on the outer wall of the pool
垂直安装、水平安装布置图、尺寸图 Layout and dimension drawings for vertical and horizontal installation
(1)尽可能在最靠近“蒸汽消音加热器”的蒸汽入口处,安装可靠有效的止回阀,或在位于水池上的蒸汽管最高处,最好是安装“破真空阀----Vacuum breaker”,这都是为了防止水逆流到蒸汽管内,防止出现水锤、振动。请参考安装、使用说明书。
温度自动控制图 Automatic temperature control diagram