工况条件:开 关
温度/压力:P-T: 63bar@150℃
进口高频开关高压球阀纯净水 60bar测试 20 万次开关无泄漏,阀体顶部为 ISO5211 安装平台,可安装执行器,带安全锁,安全锁就位时,手柄无法转动 retz The imported high-frequency switch high-pressure ball valve has no leakage after 60 bar of purified water testing for 200000 times. The top of the valve body is an ISO5211 installation platform. The actuator can be installed with a safety lock. When the safety lock is in place, the handle cannot rotate
功能介绍 Function introduction
公称压力Nominal pressure:100bar
工作温度working temperature:-30℃~+80℃
阀体及球体材质Valve body and ball material:不锈钢 304/CF8
阀杆填料密封Stem packing seal:增强 PTFE
阀座密封材质Sealing material of valve seat:POM
阀体密封材质Valve body sealing material:PTFE