进口多尘轮胎式联轴器 产品用途 Product use
1.适用于在潮湿、多尘、有冲击震动、正反转多变、启动频繁的工作条件 Suitable for wet, dusty, shock and vibration conditions, variable forward and reverse rotation, and frequent startup
2.工作环境温度-20~80℃ Working environment temperature - 20~80 ℃
3.弹性元件是一整体的轮胎体,拆装维修更为方便,耐用牢靠 The elastic element is an integral tire body, making disassembly and maintenance more convenient and durable
结构特点 Structural features
1.具有良好的减震缓冲和优越的轴间偏移补偿性能Good shock absorption, cushioning, and superior inter axle offset compensation performance
2.偏差补偿量轴向:Dx1.5%径向:Dx1%角向:2.5°~5° Deviation compensation amount Axial: Dx1.5% Radial: Dx1% Angular: 2.5 °~5 °
基本参数 Basic parameters and dimensions
型号 | 公称转矩 | 许用转速 | 轴孔直径 | 轴孔长度L | 尺寸mm | 螺栓 | 重量 | ||
D | D1 | H | |||||||
LB1 | 10 | 5000 | 6-11 | 16-25 | 60 | 20 | 26 | 12-M4*12 | 0.4 |
LB2 | 50 | 5000 | 10-19 | 25-42 | 100 | 36 | 32/37 | 12-M6*18 | 1.5 |
LB3 | 100 | 4500 | 16-24 | 30-52 | 120 | 44 | 39 | 12-M8*20 | 2.2 |
LB4 | 160 | 4200 | 22-35 | 38-82 | 140 | 50 | 45 | 12-M10*20 | 3.1 |
LB5 | 224 | 4000 | 25-38 | 44-82 | 160 | 60 | 51 | 12-M10*22 | 5 |
LB6 | 315 | 3600 | 30-45 | 60-112 | 185 | 70 | 58 | 12-M12*25 | 8.1 |
LB7 | 500 | 3200 | 35-50 | 60-112 | 220 | 85 | 68 | 12-M12*28 | 13 |
LB8 | 800 | 2600 | 40-56 | 84-142 | 265 | 110 | 82 | 12-M12*32 | 22 |
LB9 | 1250 | 2200 | 45-71 | 84-142 | 310 | 120 | 106 | 12-M16*40 | 35 |
Ⅱ/ | 1600 | 2000 | 55-75 | 84-142 | 340 | 135 | 106 | 12-M16*45 | 51 |
LB10 | 2250 | 1800 | 60-85 | 107-172 | 400 | 150 | 124 | 12-M20*50 | 69 |
LB11 | 5000 | 1600 | 80-120 | 132-212 | 445 | 190 | 140 | 12-M20*56 | 110 |
LB12 | 10000 | 1200 | 100-150 | 167-252 | 550 | 238 | 172 | 16-M24*71 | 190 |
LB13 | 20000 | 1000 | 130-200 | 202-352 | 700 | 318 | 220 | 24-M24*71 | 340 |
注:必须在容许值的范围内使用该联轴器 Note: The coupling must be used within the allowable range