温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@100℃
产品描述 Product Description
The imported electromagnetic remote control float valve is equipped with a normally open or normally closed electromagnetic valve electric control device, which has a dual safety function. Even if there is a power outage or the electric float valve fails, the water level can be controlled and will never exceed the specified position. The electric float valve can set the opening and closing water level to solve the problem of frequent opening and closing of the main valve. This valve is widely used in water tanks and inlet pipes of water towers in high-rise buildings, urban domestic water, firefighting, and operating enterprises
结构和主要零件材质 Structure and main component materials
结构形式为液控截止形式,按不同口径采用橡胶膜片和活塞式连接阀盖瓣开启、关闭的形式 The structure is in the form of hydraulic control cut-off, with rubber diaphragm and piston type connection valve cover disc opening and closing according to different diameters
该阀由主阀、针阀、球阀、浮球阀和微型过滤器等组成,如图所示 The valve consists of a main valve, needle valve, ball valve, float valve, and micro filter, as shown in the figure
主要零件材质 Main component materials
编号No. | 零件名称Name | 主 要 材 质Material |
1 | 阀盖 | 灰铸铁、球墨铸铁、碳素钢、不锈钢 |
2 | 压缩弹簧 | 硅锰钢、铬钒钢、不锈钢 |
3 | 膜片压板 | 黄铜、碳素钢、球墨铸铁 |
4 | 膜片 | 丁晴橡胶 |
5 | 阀杆 | 不锈钢 |
6 | 阀板 | 黄铜、碳素钢、球墨铸铁 |
7 | 密封圈 | 丁晴橡胶 |
8 | 阀座 | 黄铜、不锈钢、碳素钢 |
9 | 阀板压板 | 黄铜、碳素钢、球墨铸铁 |
10 | 阀体 | 灰铸铁、球墨铸铁、碳素钢、不锈钢 |
Fully closed state: When the water pressure at the inlet end of the main valve enters the valve body and control room respectively, and the external ball valve of the main valve is closed at the same time, the main valve is in a fully closed state
Fully open state: When the ball valve outside the main valve is fully open, all the water pressure in the control room is released to the downstream of the pipeline, and the main valve also shows a fully open state
Floating adjustment state: Adjust the opening of the ball valve outside the main valve to balance the water flow from the inlet end to the control room and the water flow from the control room to the downstream. At this time, the main valve is in the floating adjustment state
安装与调试 Installation and debugging
1、主阀安装于水池或高位水塔的进水管上,最佳安装方式是水平安装在管线上,阀盖朝上,其他安装方式也可达到操作功能。浮球阀安装于水池和水塔内,以便遥控 The main valve is installed on the inlet pipe of the pool or high-level water tower, and the best installation method is to install it horizontally on the pipeline with the valve cover facing upwards. Other installation methods can also achieve operational functions. Floating ball valves are installed in the pool and water tower for remote control
2、安装前要清除管道内的杂物,冲洗管道。安装时要注意主阀体外水流标示箭头,遵循方向安装 Before installation, thoroughly remove any debris from the pipeline and flush the pipeline thoroughly. When installing, pay attention to the water flow arrow outside the main valve and follow the direction of installation
3、主阀前要装一只闸阀和一只过滤器,主阀后也需装一只间阀,以便于维修 A gate valve and a filter should be installed in front of the main valve, and a space valve should also be installed behind the main valve for maintenance purposes
4、试水时要慢慢开启主阀前的闸阀,慢慢增加压力,同时注意主阀体外的控制管路是否泄漏 When testing the water, slowly open the gate valve in front of the main valve, slowly increase the pressure, and pay attention to whether the control pipeline outside the main valve is leaking
5、为出厂时包装方便,浮球阀装于主阀上 For convenient packaging at the factory, the float valve is installed on the main valve
6、主阀导管进口处的微型过滤器要2~3个月清洗一次 The micro filter at the inlet of the main valve guide should be cleaned every 2-3 months