温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@100℃
产品描述 Product Description
The imported rubber sealed wafer butterfly valve has bidirectional sealing performance. When closed, the butterfly plate and valve seat have good sealing performance, low torque value, and the valve maintains complete zero leakage under working pressure. The friction between the butterfly plate and valve seat seal is small. The valve is driven by the valve shaft, and the valve plate rotates 90 °. The butterfly plate can be opened and closed flexibly without jamming or jumping.
执行标准 The implementation of standards
设计制造验收Design manufacture:GB12238-89 ISO/DIN10631-91,AP1598
阀门结构长度Face to face dimensions:GB12221-89 ISO5752-88
阀门法兰连接Flange connection:GB1724.6-1998 ANSI.B16.5,ISO7005,GB9113.1-2000, JIS B2238,2239
阀门检验Test:GB/T13927-92 ISO/DIN5208-87
公称通径(Nominal diameter):DN50-DN600
公称压力(Nominal pressure):PN1.0-1.6Mpa
适用介质(Applicable medium):水(water),海水(sea water),污水(sewage),油(oil),空气(Air),食品(Food),弱酸碱(Weak acid and soda etc)等
使用温度(Applicable temperature):-5~100℃
主要技术性能(Main technical parameter)
压力等级Pressure rating:
完全关闭时可承受压力:Bi-directional bubble-tight shut off to:
16 bar (230PSI)----DN40~DN600mm
测试最大额定值的110%时可承受压力:And tested to 110% of full rating:
18 bar (260PSI)----DN40~DN600mm
11 bar (160PSI)---DN650~DN1000mm
壳体测试Shelltesting:阀体能承受最大额定值的150%:The body strength can stand 150% of full rating:
24 bar (34PSI)----DN40~DN600mm
15 bar (220PSI)---DN650~DN1000mm
零部件图 Assembly drawing
序号No. | 零件Part | 材质Material | 备注Remarks | |||
1 | 阀体Body | 灰铸铁Cast lron | 对夹式 凸耳式 | |||
球墨铸铁Ductile lron | ||||||
碳钢Carbon steel | ||||||
不锈钢Stainless steel 304S | ||||||
不锈钢Stainless steel 316S | ||||||
铸铝Cast aluminium | ||||||
2 | 阀板Disc | 球铁尼龙Coated nylon |
可选optional | |||
球铁镀镍Coated nickle | ||||||
不锈钢Stainless steel 304S/316S | ||||||
双相合金钢Duplex stainless Steel | ||||||
铝青铜Aluminum bronze | ||||||
3 | 阀座Seat | 丁晴橡胶NBR | -10°~80℃ | |||
三元乙丙橡胶EPDM | -20°~120℃ | |||||
耐热乙丙橡胶Heat proof EPDM | -20°~140℃ | |||||
氯丁橡胶Neoprene | -0°~80℃ | |||||
硅橡胶Silicone rubber | -20°~180℃ | |||||
氟橡胶Fluororubber | -18°~204℃ | |||||
4 | 阀杆Stem | 不锈钢Stainless steel 410S | 可选optional | |||
不锈钢Stainless steel 304S/316S | ||||||
碳钢Carbon steel | ||||||
5 | 轴承Bearing | 增强聚四氟乙烯+不锈钢RTFE+Stainless steel | ||||
6 | O型环O-ring | 丁晴橡胶NBR | ||||
7 | 衬套Bush | 聚甲醛Deirin | ||||
8 | 垫片Spacer | 不锈钢Stainless steel | ||||
9 | 挡圈Check ring | 锰钢Manganese steel | ||||
10 | 垫片Spacer | 不锈钢Stainless steel | ||||
11 | 挡圈Check ring | 锰钢Manganese steel | ||||
12 | 轴承Bearing | 增强聚四氟乙烯+不锈钢RTFE+Stainless steel |
不可忽视的蝶阀安装要点Main points of installation butterfly valve
1、要求使用对焊法兰,不建议采用平焊法兰,因为钢管伸进平焊法兰,容易碰到阀板,影响阀板自由启闭Recommend to use butt welding flange. Do not use flat welding flange because steel pipe can easily meet disc to affect opening and closing freely disc if steel pipe enter flat welding flange.
2、确认法兰尺寸必须允许阀板自由转动,法兰内径不能过小或过大 The inner diameter of flange can't be too small or too big and must confirm the dimension of flange so that the disc can turn free.
3、蝶阀装上后不允许再焊接法兰,以免烫伤衬圈 For avoiding scalding the seat, do not weld flange after the butterfly valve was installed in pipe.