简要描述:RETZ (HGP-33A)进口双联齿轮泵给系统提供大流量的液压输出,可以用于大型的机械以及设备。常用于泵车,随车吊,混凝土搅拌机等
压力:公称∶210bar 最高240bar
转速:3500 rev/min
HGP-33A进口双联齿轮泵 性能 performance
1、超低噪音性能 Ultra low noise performance
内啮合齿轮泵内部齿轮触点平滑,静音连转。其卓越特性为特殊齿轮设计,使用时其声音极低,即使在高速运转,音频仍然平稳平和retz品牌 The internal gear contact of the internal gear pump is smooth and silent. Its outstanding feature is the special gear design. When it is used, its sound is extremely low. Even at high speed, the audio is still stable and flat
2、高运转耐磨性 High running wear resistance
除机械结构简单外,使用高级液压油,可以减少机械表面及各功能零件的磨损。能以200bar压力高速运转,即使使用一般的液压油,也不易磨损机件 In addition to the simple mechanical structure, the use of high-grade hydraulic oil can reduce the wear of mechanical surfaces and functional parts. It can operate at a high speed with a pressure of 200bar, and it is not easy to wear parts even if ordinary hydraulic oil is used
3、极低压力脉动 Very low pressure pulsation
几乎可以完全免除压力波,故可作为系统精确控速的理想机械工具使用压力范围广泛 It can almost completely eliminate the pressure wave, so it can be used as an ideal mechanical tool for precise speed control of the system, and the pressure range is wide
HGP-33A双联齿轮泵 规格说明 Description
型号说明 Model description
HGP | 22A | R | 88 | F | X | 4BJ |
齿轮泵Gearpump | 系列号Series | 旋转方向Rotationdirection R:顺时针CW L:逆时针CCW | 排量 Displacement(mlrev) 66:6+6 88:8+8 1111:11+11 1313:13+13 1414:14+14 1717:17+17 1919:19+19 2323:23+23 2525:25+25 2828:28+28 3030:30+30 | 固定方式Mounting F:法兰型式Flange type | 轴伸型式Shaft type X:平行键Flat shaft Y:齿花键Tooth splineshaft | 法兰型式Flangemounting Type 2B:2孔式JIS bolt 4BJ:4孔式JIS bolt |
参数表 Parameter table