浮动式法兰球阀 O型球阀
工况条件:开 关
温度/压力:P-T: 100bar@150℃
进口浮动式法兰球阀,O型球阀性能描述 Performance description
浮动式法兰球阀(O型球阀)采用两片式阀体设计, 通过螺栓紧固, 有效的抵消了来自管路间的共振.阀体之间依靠不锈钢金属丝混合石墨制成的缠绕垫片保证了决定的零泄漏.两片阀体之间有特别的金属对金属密封, 考虑到防火设计的要求, 在垫片遭到破坏或者分解后, 依然能有效的控制阀门的外漏,防火性能满足相关规范要求 retz品牌 2-Piece bolted body design include a tight tolerance overlapping metal fit between the two bodies to minimize any possibility of movement due to pipeline stress, A special high temperature spiral wound stainless steel/graphite filled gasket is utilized for absolute seal.This gasket is encapsulated by two bodies on all four sides.Bodies are dimensioned for metal contract to ensure correct gasket crush.
Design Code 设计标准:API 608
Face to face结构长度:ANSI B16.10
Flange Connection法兰标准:ANSI B16.5
Testing / Inspection试验与检验:API 6D/API 598
Fire Safe 防火性能:API 6FA / API 607
尺寸size : 1/2” ~ 12”
压力pressure: 150LB ~ 600LB, PN10 ~ PN100
进口浮动式法兰球阀,O型球阀产品特性 Product characteristics
可靠的密封 Performance Sealing
浮动球阀采用弹性密封圈结构设计, 确保零泄漏的要求, 并且可以根据客户要求达到双向密封性能 retz品牌 The floating ball valve is designed with an elastic seal ring structure to ensure zero leakage, and can achieve two-way sealing performance according to customer requirements
当介质压力较小时,密封圈与球体的接触面积较小,.在密封圈与球体接触处形成较大的密封比压,确保可靠密封 When the medium pressure is low, the contact area between the seal ring and the ball is small. A large sealing specific pressure is formed at the contact between the seal ring and the ball to ensure reliable sealing
当介质压力较大时, 随着密封圈的弹性变形, 密封圈与球体的接触面积增大, 故密封圈能承受较大的介质推力而不会损坏 When the medium pressure is large, with the elastic deformation of the seal ring, the contact area between the seal ring and the ball increases, so the seal ring can withstand large medium thrust without damage
阀杆防吹出 Blow - Out Proof Stem
阀杆采用防吹出结构设计, 即使在阀腔异常升压以及填料压板失效等极端情况下, 也能保证阀杆不会被介质吹出 The valve stem is designed with anti blow out structure, which can ensure that the valve stem will not be blown out by the medium even in extreme cases such as abnormal pressure rise in the valve chamber and failure of the packing plate
阀杆采用单条坚实的材料, 并设计有从下往上的下装式结构设计, 阀杆与阀体倒密封连接处配有垫片 The valve rod is made of a single solid material and is designed with a bottom mounted structure from bottom to top. The joint between the valve rod and the valve body is equipped with a gasket
倒密封的密封力随着介质压力的增高而增大,故能在各种压力下均能确保阀杆的可靠密封.倒密封垫片并且可以减少阀门的开关力矩 The sealing force of the back seal increases with the increase of the medium pressure, so it can ensure the reliable sealing of the valve rod under various pressures. The back seal gasket can also reduce the opening and closing torque of the valve
V型填料 V-Packing
填料采用V型填料密封结构, V型填料能将填料压盖的压紧力及介质力有效地化成阀杆的密封力
V type packing provides the pushing force of gland flange and medium pressure into the packing effectively transform into sealing force against the stem
可调节填料 Live Loaded Gland Flange
可调节填料采用蝶形弹簧加载的填料压紧机构, 使阀杆的密封更加可靠.方便用户在阀门现场弥补填料压套的预紧力不足等情况, 并且可以有效的控制填料与阀杆间的低密封泄漏.
Live loading gland flange provide gland load retention, compensating for expected in-service consolidation of the packing.A set of Belleville-Spring washers are used on each gland stud to help exert a continuous compressive force on the gland
防静电装置 Anti-Static Design
防静电结构采用弹簧+不锈钢钢球球将静电引出的装置, 通过阀杆使球体与阀体之间直接形成静电通道. 从而可将球体与阀座开关过程中摩擦产生的静电通过阀体引到大地, 防止静电火花可能引起的火灾或爆炸等危险.
An integral Anti-Static Design provided by means of spring-loaded devices which maintain contact between ball and stem, and stem and body to ensure electrical continuity, assuring stem sealing and tested to BS 5351 and BS 5146.
填料压套和填料压盖分体设计, 并在压套上加了PTFE轴套 PTFE Lining Packing Gland
将传统的填料压盖改进为填料压板与填料压套的两体式结构设计. 填料压套与填料压板采用球形接触, 确保填料压套始终垂直, 并在填料压套内部设置了聚四氟乙烯轴套, 避免阀杆与填料压套的擦伤与磨损, 并减小了阀门的操作力矩
The traditional packing flange design has been improved to be of two-piece structure: gland flange and packing gland.Packing flange contacts the gland flange with spherical surface. It can provide the gland always vertical.The packing gland lined with a PTFE bush to prevent the galling and friction between the stem which can also reduce the operation torque of the valve.
防火设计 Fire Safe Seating
在阀门的使用现场发生火灾时, 当聚四氟乙烯等非金属材料制作的阀座密封圈、阀杆上密封垫、阀杆密封填料以及中法兰密封垫片在高温下分解或破坏后, 超众球阀能够借助特别设计的金属对金属辅助密封结构, 有效的控制阀门的内漏和外漏. RETZ球阀的防火设计均符合API 607, API 6FA, BS 6755 以及JB/T 6899等标准规范的要求.
In case PTFE seats are decomposed due to prolonged exposure to extremely high temperatures in fire accident.The angle of the floating seat retainer come into metal to metal contact with the ball to shut off the fluid and minimize internal fluid leakage through the valve bore to stop the flow of harzadous on flammable fluids until a new seal is installed.Fire safe design according to: API 607, API6 FA, BS 6755 and JB/T6899 requirements.
防火性能 Soft seated fire safe design
阀杆与阀体之间的防火密封 Contact between stem and valve body
球体与阀体之间的防火密封 Contact between ball and valve body
阀体与阀体之间的防火密封 Contact between body and body
锁定装置 Locking Device
设置了带锁孔的90度开关定位片, 根据需要可以加锁, 防止误操作.阀杆头部安装手柄的部位采用扁形设计, 当阀门开启时, 手柄与管道平行, 当阀门关闭时, 手柄与管道垂直, 能确保阀门的开关指示不会发生错误.
Facility for mounting a locking device for prevention of accidental valve operation is provided upon customer request Stop limiting device is standard.The stem roof, where the lever fixed with flat shape, provide the open close position.When lever in parallel to piping the valve is open, when lever in vertical to piping the valve is closed
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials