(内螺纹 焊接)三片式高压球阀
简要描述:RETZ进口内螺纹,焊接三片式高压球阀采用浮动式球芯,可双向密封,锻造原材料,最大流量设计,广泛应用于,加载阀座在低压和高压系统内都具良好的密封性 ,高压频繁开关等各种恶劣工况
温度/压力:P-T: 160bar@150℃
(内螺纹,焊接)进口三片式高压球阀采用浮动式球芯,所有的部件均采用锻件制造,下装式阀杆,设备倒密封结构,镶嵌式阀座,阀座背后设备O型圈,确保介质不外漏,密封面为尼龙材料富有滑性和抗弯曲强的性能 RETZ (Internal thread, welding) Three piece high pressure ball valve adopts floating ball core, all parts are made of forgings, lower mounted valve stem, equipment back sealing structure, inlaid valve seat, and equipment O-ring behind the valve seat to ensure no leakage of media, and the sealing surface is made of nylon material with strong characteristics of sliding and bending resistance
设计制造标准∶BS5351∶MSSSP-118 Dealgn and manufacture conformto BS5351 : MSSSP-118
连接端尺寸Connection onds conform to∶
承插口尺寸按∶ANSIB16.11;JB/T1715 Scoket welded ends contorm to ANSIB16.11:JB/T1715
螺纹端尺寸按∶ANSI B1.12.1;JB/T7306 Screw ends conform to ANSIB1.12.1 :JB/T7306
对焊堵尺寸按∶ANSI B16.25∶JB/T12224 Butt-welded ends conform to ANSI B16.25 ; JB/T12224
检验和试压按∶API598;GB/T13927;JB/T9092 Teat and inspection conform to AP598;GB/T13927;JB/T9092
材料标准根据∶ANSVASTM Materlanls conform to ANSI/ASTM
(内螺纹,焊接)进口三片式高压球阀性能描述 Performance description
阀座的可靠密封 Reliable Seat Seal
采用弹性密封圈结构设计。当介质压力较小时,密封圈与球体接触面积较小,在密封圈与球体接触形成较大的密封比压,确保可靠密封。当介质压力较大时,随着密封圈的弹性变形,密封圈与球体的接触面积增大,故密封圈能承受较大的介质推力而不会损坏 retz 品牌The structure design of elastic sealing ring has been adopted for floating ball valves. This seat design features a bigger sealing pressure ratio between the ring surface and the ball when medium pressure gets lower, where the contacting area is smaller. Thus, the reliable seal is ensured. When the medium pressure gets higher, the contacting area between seat ring and ball becomes bigger as the sealing ring transforms elastically to undertake the bigger force pushed by the medium without any damage.
防火结构设计Fire Safe Design
使用现场发生火灾时,当聚四氟乙烯等非金属材料制作的阀座密封圈、阀杆上密封垫、阀杆密封填料以及中法兰密封垫片在高温下分解或破坏后,球阀能够借助于特别设计的金属对金属辅助密封结构,有效地控制阀门的内漏和外漏。对于用户有防火要求的浮动式球阀,RETZ的防火设计均符合API607、API6Fa、BS6755 及JB/T6899等标准规范的要求。
With the valve heated in a fire application the non-metal material parts such as seat sealing ring of PTFE, stem back seat gasket, gland packing, and the sealing gasket between body and bonnet might disintegrate or be damaged due to high temperature. specially designed structure of auxiliary metal to metal seal is provided to effectively prevent both internal and external leakage of the valve. As required by customers, floating ball valves with fire safe design can meet the requirement of API 607,API6FA,BS6755 and JB/T 6899.
阀杆的可靠密封 Reliable Stem Seal
The blow-out proof design has been adopted for the stem to ensure that even if the pressure in the body cavity is risen acc-idently and the packing flange becomes invalid, the stem may not be blown out by medium. The stem features the design with a backseat, being assembled from underneath. The sealing force against the backseat gets higher as the medium pressure becomes higher. So the reliable seal of the stem can be assured under variable medium pressure.
主要零部件材料 Main parts and materials
No | 名称Parts | 材料Material | ||||
1 | 阀盖Bonnet | A105 | LF2 | F304 | F316 | F51 |
3 | 球体Ball | F6 | F304 | F304(L) | F316(L) | F51 |
4 | 闽体Body | A105 | LF2 | F304(L) | F316(L) | F51 |
5 | O型圈O-ring | VITON | VITON | VITON | VITON | VITON |
6 | 螺栓Stud | PTFE | B8 | B8 | B8M | B8M |
7 | 填料Gasket | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE |
8 | 墙料压套Packing Bushing | 410 | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE |
9 | 压板Gland | 410 | 304 | 304(L) | 316(L) | F51 |
10 | 阀杆Stem | Al | 304 | 304(L) | 316(L) | F51 |
11 | 铭牌Nameplate | 1045+Zn | Al | Al | Al | Al |
12 | 手柄Lever | 2H | 1045+Zn | 1045+Zn | 1045+Zn | 1045+Zn |
13 | 螺母Nut | Al | 8M | 8M | 8M | BM |
14 | 挡圈Elastic washer | 65Mn | 65Mn | 304 | 304 | 304 |
15 | 弹簧Anti-static spring | 304 | 304 | 304 | 316L | 316L |