(RA10)进口变量柱塞泵 产品特点 Product features
用于液压开式回路的斜盘结构轴向柱塞泵 Axial piston pump with swashplate structure for hydraulic open circuit
流量正比于驱动转速和排量,并能通过调节斜盘倾角实现无级变量retz品牌 The flow rate is proportional to the driving speed and displacement, and stepless variable can be achieved by adjusting the inclined angle of the swashplate
"01"型手动调节,"04"型改变输入电流调节 "01" type manual regulation, "04" type change input current regulation
有单独的注油口和两个泄油口供选择 There are separate oil filling ports and two oil drain ports for selection
吸入性能优良,节能特性明显 Excellent suction performance and obvious energy-saving characteristics
反应速度快,精度高 Fast reaction speed and high precision
(RA10)进口变量柱塞泵 工作粘度范围 Working viscosity range
为了获得好效率和使用寿命,RETZ推荐工作粘度(在工作温度下)在下列范围内选择∶v opt=工作粘度16..36mm2/s
In order to obtain the best efficiency and service life, Retz recommends that the working viscosity (at the working temperature) be selected in the following range: V opt= the best working viscosity 16 36mm2/s
变量柱塞泵 参数值 Parameter value
A | 10 | -F | -R | -1 | -B | -S | -K | -32 | -V |
型号 | 排量mL/rev | 安装方式 | 旋转方向(从轴向看) | 控制方式 | 调压范围Mpa | 接口位置 | 轴心形式 | 系列 | 背压控制方式 |
变量柱塞泵 | 10 | F:法兰安装型 L:底座安装型 | R:顺时针方向L:逆时针方向 | 01:压力补偿控制04:电液比例敏感控制型 | B: 1.2-7 C:1.2-16 H:1.2-21 K:2.0-28 | 无标志:轴向接口 S:侧面接口 | K:平键型 | 32 | V:带比例背压控制无标志:不比例背压控制 |