(RA10VO)进口变量柱塞泵 产品特点 Product features
法兰连接按SAE-UNC或SAE公制 Flange connections to SAE-UNC or SAEmetric
2个泄油口 2 leakage ports
允许高转速 Allow high speed
良好的吸油性能低噪音 Good oil absorption and low noise
功率/重量比高 High power / weight ratiol
驱动轴可承受轴向和轴向载荷retz品牌 The drive shaft can bear axial and axial loads
控制范围宽 Wide control range
用于多回路系统的通轴驱动选配 Through shaft drive selection for multi loop system
(RA10VO)进口变量柱塞泵 参数值 Parameter value
规格Size | 28 | 45 | 71 | 100 | |||
排量Displacement | Vgnax | cm3 | 28 | 45 | 71 | 100 | |
最高转速Max.speed | 在Vgnaxat | nomax | rmp | 3000 | 2600 | 2200 | 2000 |
最大流量Max.flow | 在nomaxat | Qomax | L/min | 84 | 117 | 156 | 200 |
最大功率Max.power | 在nomaxat | Pomax | kw | 39 | 55 | 73 | 93 |
最大扭矩Max.torque | 在Vgnaxat | Tmax | Nm | 125 | 200 | 316 | 445 |
重量(无油)weight(without fluid) | m | kg | 15 | 21 | 33 | 45 |
1、进口工作压力范围Input operating pressure range
油口(S)的绝对压力Absolute pressure at port S(A)
Pabs min.………………0.8bar
Pabs max……………………………………3bar
2、出口工作压力范围 Output operating pressure range
油口B的压力Pressure at port B
公称压力Nominal pressure PN………………………………280bar
尖峰压力Peak pressure Pmax……………………………… 350bar
3、壳体泄油压力Case drain pressure
油液泄油最大压力(在油口L,L1),最多可比S口的进口压力高05bar,但是不能超过绝对压力2bar.Maximum pressure of leakage fluid (at ports L,L1),Maximum 7 psi (0.5 bar) higher than input pressure at port S, but not higher tHan 30 psi(2 bar)absolute.
4、流动方向 Direction of flow
Table of values (theoretical values without considering n mh and ny;values rounded)
注∶以上值在吸油口的绝对压力为1bar时有效,如果流量减小或进口压力增加,转速可增加。Notes.:Values shown are valid for an absolute pressure cof 1 bar at suction port.If the flow is reduced or if the inlet pressure is increased the speed may be increased.
2、工作粘度范围 Operating viscosity range
v opt=最佳工作粘度16mm2/s~36mm2/s
For optimum efficiency and service life we recommend thatthe operating viscosity (at operating temperature) be selectf in the range:
v opt=opt. operating viscosity 16~36mm2/s
referred to tank temperature (open loop circuit). 极限粘度范围Limits of viscosity range
在极端工况下,下列数值有效∶(The following values are valid for extreme operating conditions∶)
v min=10 mm2/s
短 时,在80℃的最高允许漏油温度下
for short periods at max. leakage oil temperature of 80℃v min=1000mm2/s
短时,冷启动时for short periods upon cold start.
3、温度范围Temperature range tmin=-20℃; tmax=+80℃
4、过滤Fi Itration
In order to ensure reliable operation of the axial piston unit,theoperating fluid must be maintained to a cleanliness class of at least: 16/19 to ISO4406. This may be achieved with filter elements, cleanliness class of pump leakage fluid 10um。