温度/压力:P-T: 16bar@200℃
基本参数 Basic parameters
规格尺寸Specification and size:G1/2~1"
塑料球阀阀体为PPO或"UPVC"材料,金属球阀阀体为316不锈钢材质,采用浮动球直通结构 The plastic ball valve body is made of PPO or "UPVC" material, the metal ball valve body is made of 316 stainless steel, and the floating ball straight-through structure is adopted
塑料阀体:工作温度0-60℃,工作压力0-1MPa,EPDM和FFKM橡胶密封材质可选 Plastic valve body: working temperature 0-60 ℃, working pressure 0-1MPa, EPDM and FFKM rubber sealing materials optional
金属阀体:工作温度0~120℃、工作压力0~1.6MPa,EPDM和FFKM橡胶密封材质可选,其中FFKM橡胶密封材质工作温度0-200℃ Metal valve body: working temperature 0~120 ℃, working pressure 0~1.6MPa, EPDM and FFKM rubber sealing materials are optional, of which the working temperature of FFKM rubber sealing material is 0-200 ℃
性能特点 Performance characteristics
耐久用,轻扭矩,硬密封,耐腐蚀 Durable, light torque, hard sealing, corrosion resistance
1.启动扭矩小启闭时间≤3s Starting torque small opening and closing time ≤3s
负载扭矩小,电耗低,低压直流电源驱动使用安全,通量大,广泛替代大小口径的电磁阀 Low load torque, low power consumption, safe use of low-voltage DC power drive, large flux, widely replace solenoid valves of large and small caliber
2.替换电磁阀不能正常工作的场合,防护等级高,可在相对潮湿的环境中使用 The replacement solenoid valve can not work normally, with high protection level, and can be used in relatively humid environment
替换启闭动作要求不快的电磁阀应用场合,使用寿命和安全性远远优于电磁阀 The service life and safety are far better than those of the solenoid valve when replacing the solenoid valve application where the opening and closing action is not fast
可用于酸、碱等腐蚀性流体应用领域,可远程控制。防护等级高,可在相对潮湿的环境中使用 It can be used in acid, alkali and other corrosive fluid applications and can be controlled remotely. High protection level, can be used in relatively humid environment
Sealing performance: the ball core and valve seat are lapped in pairs, with high fit and excellent sealing. Because the ball valve has the function of scraper when it is opened and closed, it is not easy to get stuck and leak
Wear resistance and corrosion resistance: the ball core and valve seat are made of high hardness and high performance alumina ceramics, with excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The ball core and valve seat are not easy to lead to seal failure due to wear and corrosion, and the seal life is more than 100000 times
产品结构 Product mix
① 直流/交流减速电机(DC6-24V/AC220V)
② 316L阀杆(根据不同酸碱可选哈式合金钢B或C)
③ 不锈钢316阀体
④ 陶瓷球芯(刚玉陶瓷氧化铝)
⑤ PPS耐腐蚀密封片
⑥ 瓷密封片
⑦ 开关指示灯
控制接线图 Control wiring diagram
可设定启闭时间点独立控制(比如9点20分开,10点20关闭,周一到周日都需设置,周循环The opening and closing time can be set for independent control (for example, the opening and closing time can be set from 9:20 to 10:20, and it needs to be set from Monday to Sunday, with weekly cycle
A、可对星期一至星期日的每一天在不同时间点设置阀门的开/关 The opening/closing of valves can be set at different time points from Monday to Sunday
B、每天最多可设置5组开和关时间点,可设置全天都关闭或者都打开当天全天的开关状态保持前一天最后一次的开关状态 You can set up to five groups of open and close time points every day, and you can set the switch status of the whole day to be closed or open, and keep the last switch status of the previous day
C、首次使用或断电时间超过3天,要校准当前星期和当前时间 If it is used for the first time or powered off for more than 3 days, the current week and time should be calibrated
1、可对星期一至星期日的每一天在不同时间点设置球阀的开/关,每天最多可设置5组开和关时间点。当天开关次数设为“0”时,当天全天的开关状态保持前一天最后一次的开关状态 The opening/closing of the ball valve can be set at different time points from Monday to Sunday. A maximum of five groups of opening and closing time points can be set every day. When the switching times of the day are set to "0", the switching status of the whole day remains the last switching status of the previous day
2、适用于DC12V或DC24V球阀 Applicable to DC12V or DC24V ball valve
功能介绍 Function introduction
锁定与解锁 Lock and unlock
设置当前时间 Set current time
校对当前星期 Proofread the current week
设置次数 Set times