简要描述:RETZ进口法兰不锈钢零压差电磁阀体积小,流量大,适用范围广按阀上所标流向箭头,可任意安装,为增强使用寿命 圈向上
温度/压力:P-T: 0-10bar@120℃
技术参数 Technical parameter
零压差电磁阀实际上就是一种分步直动式电磁阀,流量大,结构合理,动作可靠,在零压力差时工作也可靠,适用于水、油品、气体、真空系统的管路控制 The zero pressure difference solenoid valve is actually a step-by-step direct acting solenoid valve with large flow rate, reasonable structure, reliable action, and reliable operation even at zero pressure difference. It is suitable for pipeline control of water, oil, gas, and vacuum systems
动作类型 | 分步直动式 |
控制方式 | 常闭式(标准)、常开式(可选) |
连接口 | 法兰 RF |
适用介质 | 中性介质,气态或液态流体 |
流体黏度 | ≤21mm²/s |
阀体材质 | 黄铜、不锈钢 |
密封 | 丁腈橡胶、硅胶 |
介质温度 | -10~+110℃ |
环境温度 | -10~50℃(防爆型-20℃~40℃) |
标准电压 | AC220V(50-60Hz)、DC24V(0Hz) |
电压变化 | ±10% |
防护等级 | IP65 |
安装方式 | 最好使线圈朝上 |
可选配置 | 防爆型、降温节能线圈、接线盒、定时开关 |
规格尺寸 | 1/2-4” |
适用压力 | 0-10Bar |
工作原理 working principle
有常闭和常开型二种 There are two types: normally closed and normally open
Normally closed type: Adopting a combination of primary and secondary opening valves, the main valve and pilot valve have electromagnetic force and pressure difference in steps to directly open the main valve port. When the coil is energized, electromagnetic force is generated to cause the moving iron core and the static iron core to engage, and the pilot valve port is opened. The pilot valve port is located on the main valve port, and the moving iron core is connected to the main valve core. At this time, the pressure in the upper chamber of the main valve is unloaded through the pilot valve port. Under the simultaneous action of pressure difference and electromagnetic force, the main valve core is moved upwards, opening the main valve port, and the medium flows. When the coil loses power, the electromagnetic force disappears. At this time, the moving iron core closes the pilot valve hole under the action of its own weight and spring force, and the medium enters the upper chamber of the main valve in the balance hole, causing the pressure in the upper chamber to increase. At this time, the main valve port is closed under the action of spring reset and pressure, and the medium is cut off
常开型:与常闭型正好相反 Normally open type: exactly opposite to normally closed type
二位二通常闭电磁阀,断电关闭,通电打开 Two position two normally closed solenoid valve, power off to close, power on to open
二位二通常开型电磁阀,断电打开,通电关闭 Two position two normally open solenoid valve, power off to open, power on to close